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Feeling my feet finally touch solid ground I peak out from where I was buried in Loki's chest and let out a very audible sigh of relief.

"Not used to the feeling yet?" Loki laughs.
"Don't think I ever will be." I laugh as I stagger backwards out of the hug.
As Loki, Thor and I start walking across the grass towards the backdoor of the compound Peter comes flying out of the door, sprinting towards me.

"Safie! Oh my god you're back! Longest few days EVER! How was Asgard? What was it like? Tell me everything!" He rambles whilst hugging me.
"Hey Parker!" I laugh, hugging him back. "It was incredible, but do you think I could maybe get inside and unpack before being interviewed for Asgard Weekly?" I say dryly and I hear Loki snicker.
"I'm so sorry! Yeah obviously, let's go inside!" He says happily, pulling me through the door.

"Point-Break, Reindeer Games, Kiddo. Welcome back, how was your little holiday Shannon?" Stark asks from the sofa.
"Hey old man! It was really nice thank you." I smile.
"Less of the 'old' please." He says raising an eyebrow.

Thor and Tony catch up for a bit whilst Loki and I go across the room to the kitchen to make a drink, Peter following behind just eager for details.
I spot Bucky tucked away in the corner, sitting on an armchair reading a book with some headphones on. I excuse myself from Loki and Peter and sneak up behind him.

"Hey Buckaroo!" I shout, slapping his headphones off and wrapping my arms around his shoulders from behind.
"Safie! You made me jump!" Bucky says, flustered. He jumps up from the chair and makes his way around to me, wrapping me in his arms.
"How was your trip doll?" He asks warmly.
"Really good thank you!" I smile into the hug.
"Did you want to talk about your nightmare?"
"Not right now... maybe later." I mumble.
"Of course. I'm glad you're back." He smiles as he lets me go.
"Happy to be back Sarge." I grin and he rolls his eyes as I walk away.

As I go back into the kitchen, actively ignoring Loki's death stare, Steve and Sam walk through the front door arguing like an old married couple.

"Man I swear to god if I hear you say 'oN yOuR lEfT' ONE MORE TIME!" Sam shouts.
"Not my fault you couldn't keep up." Steve laughs.
"Not my fault you're a genetic abomination." Sam digs and Steve clutches his chest acting wounded.

"Don't be jealous you overgrown pigeon." I tease and they both quickly turn around to look at me.
"Tiny! You're back!" Steve grins, jogging over to me.
"Why have you got to jog EVEN NOW?" Sam complains. "Fuck you about the pigeon comment. But good to see you again Saf." He laughs and I blow him a kiss from across the room, which he pretends to catch, crumple up and put in the bin.
"See, this is why Sam. This is why I'm mean to you." I pout, holding my coffee.

"Ignore him, he's just mad I lapped him so many times." Steve laughs, draping an arm around my shoulder. Sam flips Steve off before going to his room to shower. "When did you get back?"
"Literally about ten-fifteen minutes ago."
"The girls will be happy to see you, they mentioned wanting to go out to this new club that's opening up."
"Oooooh I'm already SO DOWN." I grin and Steve laughs.
"I thought you might be."
"Are you guys gonna come? Like you, Bucky and Sam?"
"Me and Bucky in a club? Come on now." He rolls his eyes.
"If I can convince Buck, will you come?" I ask, pulling my best puppy dog face.
"Fine. But good luck. He's been so grumpy recently."
"Ah yes, opposed to his usual sunny disposition." I say dryly. I kiss Steve on the cheek before skipping happily back over to Bucky.

I sit cross-legged on the floor in front of his armchair, smiling widely at him. He slowly takes off his headphones, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at me and raising an eyebrow.
"Hey Sarge." I say sweetly.
"Doll?" He says, leaning forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees.
"You know you missed me loads whilst I've been gone?"
"Bold statement, but continue." He says, keeping a stoic expression.
"How about we go out tonight?" I say, fluttering my eyelashes.
"And by we you mean...?"
"Us. Duh. And the girls, I haven't asked anyone else yet but I'm sure Steve will go if you do." I grin.
"Where?" He asks, rolling his eyes.
"The new club that's just opened..." I whisper.
"Me? In a nightclub? You know I'm a hundred and six years old right?"
"You're in your prime Buck! Thor will probably go and he's over a thousand years old. Don't be grumpy Sarge, come dance with me tonight." I wink.
"Fine." He grunts.
"Wait really?!" I beam.
"Yes, really." He shrugs, a small smile appearing on his face. "I can never say no to you..."

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