Home for Christmas

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~Two weeks later-

Packing up the last couple bags of clothes and presents I feel excited to go back to London and see my friends and family. My friends have had no clue about anything that's been happening, no clue I wasn't even in London anymore let alone living with The Avengers in New York.
I'm excited to go for walks in Regent's Park again, get my favourite coffee from this tiny pastel blue coffee shop and just feel normal, for once.

Looking around my room I also feel sad... and guilty for leaving for Christmas. I don't have much family back home so everyone here has become my family and I feel awful for leaving. I'd love to spend Christmas with the girls, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Peter, Thor and Loki. I know Tony, Pepper and Morgan will be going to their cabin for Christmas so I don't feel so bad about leaving them.

Vision helps bring all my stuff downstairs, leaving the bags by the front door whilst I go into the living room.
I'd said my goodbyes to the girls, Sam and Steve the night before knowing they were off compound this morning.

Downstairs, Tony, Morgan and Pepper were in the kitchen. Tony hands me a cup of coffee and Morgan comes bounding up to me, wrapping her arms around my torso.

"I'm gonna miss you Saf Saf." She pouts, looking up at me.
"I'm gonna miss you to Morgs, but I've put in a good word with Santa, you're in for a good one." I wink, ruffling her hair.
She beams up at me, satisfied with my answer and skips off to her room.
"Thanks for the coffee Tony." I smile.
"No problem kiddo, the jets ready whenever you are but take your time they have nothing else planned today anyway." He smirks.
"You really didn't need to get me a jet back to London I could've flown economy."
"Hah. Economy. You are funny." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

Tony and Pepper wish me a Merry Christmas before disappearing to the lab.
As I finish my coffee, Peter comes flying over the stairs and comes running towards me. Giving me little to no time to react before he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much! I hate that you're not spending Christmas here... but I'm also super jealous you get to go to London. I know you like grew up there and everything so it probably isn't as cool for you but oh my god it would be amazing to be in London over Christmas!" Peter rambles.
"I'm gonna miss you too Parker! I wish I could spend it here too to be honest it's gonna be so weird being back... you should come with me to London one day I could show you around." I smile, pulling back from his grasp.
"Really?! That would be awesome!" He grins.
"Of course! As long as Stark pays for the flights." I wink and Peter laughs.
"I promised Mr. Stark I'd help him in the lab so I gotta go but as soon as you land, text me!" He shouts as he runs towards the lab.
"I will you loon! Quit running everywhere!" I shout after him.

I decide to go to Bucky's room to see if he's there so I could say goodbye.
"Buck?" I call out softly as I knock on his door. "I'm leaving soon, are you in there?"
"Come in doll!" He calls out.

I open his door and glance around his bedroom but I couldn't see him. I step inside and close the door, as I do Bucky walks out of his ensuite just in some grey joggers with his hair soaking wet.
"Sorry doll I'd just got out of the shower when you knocked." He smiled shyly at me.
"No it's okay! I'm sorry for my bad timing." I laugh.

Bucky stretches his arms out to me and I run over to him, giving him a massive hug, not caring that he was still wet.
"How long will you be gone for?" Bucky mumbles into my hair.
"A week, maybe two. All depends how much 'family time' I can handle and how much I miss being here." I laugh sadly.
"I wish you weren't leaving doll..."
"Me too... but hey, I'll be five hours ahead of you when I'm there so at least if you have a bad nightmare in the middle of the night you can call me! It'll be the middle of the day there. Not that you couldn't call me anyway obviously." I ramble, my face still buried in his chest.
"This is true... you know you can call me anytime too right?"
"I know." I smile.

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