Party Prep

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~WELCOME BACK! I've made a lot of changes in the other chapters and was editing a lot which is why this has taken me so long. If you don't feel like going back to read it, then the OC's name is now Safie, as voted for on a poll on my tiktok and Instagram~

I wake abruptly the next morning to the deafening sounds of drilling, hammering and various voices shouting. Groaning loudly I flip onto my stomach, covering my head with my pillow.

"What in Niflheim is this absurd ruckus?!" Loki growls, sitting angrily upright in bed.
"Stark." I grumble from under my pillow.
"Stark? Doing manual labour?" Loki scoffs.
"No. Obviously not. It's him getting people to prepare for tonight's party." I huff.
"Mmm." Loki mumbles in acknowledgment. "And will you get out from under there?" He sighs, pulling the pillow off of my head.
I groan loudly in protest before sitting up with him.

Loki conjures up two steaming cups of coffee and hands me one.
"Seriously? You could do this the whole time?" I glare.
"Of course." He shrugs nonchalantly.
"Then why do you always get me to make your coffees in the morning?" I huff.
"Because, I like your coffees better." Loki smiles.
"Don't do that." I say rolling my eyes.
"Do what?" Loki asks.
"Be all cute. I'm trying to be mad at you." I sulk.
"Would you prefer if I were to stab someone instead?" Loki grins and I catch a glint of silver in his left hand.
"Put. The dagger. Away." I laugh.
"Precisely." He grins.

After our coffees in bed we make our way downstairs into the living room, trying to avoid bumping into the numerous work men that are scattered about all over the compound.

"Absurd." Loki grumbles as we sit on the sofa.
"You may have mentioned." I laugh.
A few minutes later I could practically hear Lokis eye twitching out of annoyance.

"By Odins beard if you do not cease this infernal noise, I will be sure to make every last second of your mortal lives absolute living -"
"I - uh, what Loki means to say is -" I chuckle awkwardly. "Could you guys take a break for five minutes please?" I smile sweetly at the workmen who look visibly terrified as they all frantically nod at once and scurry off.

"At last..." Loki sighs happily.
"You can't just threaten people Mischief." I say rolling my eyes.
"Do not try to fool me into thinking you don't enjoy it when I'm like this... remember our first mission together?" Loki smirks.
I feel my cheeks heating at the memory.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lie.
"Lying to the god of lies... poor choice little mortal. But if you need a reminder as to how it felt being pushed up against the wall... my breath on your neck... the way your skin was warm beneath my touch... I'd be happy to refresh that little memory of yours." Loki purrs into my ear.
"Loki... I -"

"Oh hey Safie! Mister Loki! Happy New Years Eve!" Peter shouts, swinging off of the bannister and landing next to us on the sofa.
"Hey Parker!" I laugh.
"Spiderling." Loki huffs, rolling his eyes.
"So uh Mister Loki... I have a question." Peter laughs awkwardly.
"How many more times must I insist that the 'Mister' is not necessary." Loki replies shaking his head. "But go on, ask your question." He gestures with his hand for Peter to talk.
"So I was wondering... if let's say a really loveable nice guy with some pretty awesome spider powers was to... I don't know, throw a glitter bomb at you at a party. How mad would you be on a scale of one to ten?" Peter grins.

"That's a very good question." Loki smiles, tapping his chin in pretend thought. "Let me answer your question with a similar question: if let's say an incredibly charming, mischievous and devilishly handsome god -" He pauses to wink at me as I roll my eyes dramatically at him. "- were to hang said 'loveable nice guy' from the ceiling by his spider legs, and this god were to slit his throat and watch proudly as the life drained from his eyes... How dead would you be on a scale of one to ten?" Loki asks, cocking his eyebrow as a proud smirk formed on his face.

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