I'm sorry

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I walk up to Bucky's room and softly knock on the door, the sounds of the party muffled in the distance.
Steve opens the door and smiles softly at me.

"How is he?" I ask tentatively.

"He's okay, I got him an ice pack." Steve shrugs and pats me gently on the shoulder before leaving.

I walk quietly over to his bed and crouch down next to it.
"Hey Buck..." I whisper.

"Mm..." He groans, slowly turning over.

I gently stroke his hair out of his face.
"I'm so sorry..." I say, my voice cracking.

"What for doll? I started it..." Bucky mumbles.

"It's all my fault." I sob.

Bucky slowly reaches up his hand and wipes the tears off of my face with a sad smile.

"It isn't your fault Saf, I was feeling hurt so I got drunk and picked a fight with a literal god. This is on me." He chuckled softly, making me smile slightly.

"I was so scared he was going to kill you..." I whispered.

"I know... me too for a second." Bucky whispered back.

He slowly sat up in bed, groaning as he did, then held open his arms.
I wrap my arms around his neck as he buries his face into mine, squeezing his arms around my waste.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper again.

"Shut up Saf." Bucky says shaking his head and holding me closer.

We stay like that for a while, neither of us speaking.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, as I pull away slightly.

"I'm okay now, just a slight headache." Bucky smiles. "Shall we rejoin the party before midnight?"

"Sure." I smile at him and we both stand up and walk back down to everyone else.

I spot Loki across the room talking to Thor and Peter, I know he's seen me too but he does the smart thing and stays out of my way.
An hour or so in, Bucky goes over to Loki and shakes his hand and Loki profusely apologises to him.

Which is lovely but I was still fuming about it and he knew it.
I walk over to them and Loki briefly cast his eyes to the floor. Bucky patted me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear "it's okay Saf, we've both apologised and sorted everything out. Don't be too hard on him." He smiles, placing a chased kiss on my cheek before rejoining Sam and Steve.

"My darling, I can't even begin to-" Loki began.

"You're right. You can't begin to. But I'll deal with you later." I growled and Loki timidly met my eyes.

"I understand, if your feelings... if they've changed." He mumbles, his gaze barely holding mine.

My heart breaks for him for a moment and I reach up and hold his face softly with my hand.

"Loki... just because I'm pissed off at you, doesn't automatically mean my feelings towards you have changed." I say, gently stroking his cheek with my thumb.

He closes his eyes as his brows knit together, a pained expression on his face as he leans into my touch.

"I don't forgive you." I say, my hand still on his face as he looks at me with misty eyes.

"I understand." He whispers, his voice strained.

"I don't forgive you, but I still love you." I say softly.

A tear rolls down Loki's cheek as he gazes at me, a mixture of relief and sorrow on his face.
I cup his face with both hands, swiping my thumb across the fallen tear and he scrunches his eyes shut.

"I love you." He says, his voice trembling as he looks at me again.

I pull him into a hug, my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and buries his face into the crook of my neck.
We stay in each other's arms for a while, drowning out the loud music and the sound of everyone talking and dancing.

"If everyone wants to head outside, we're a few minutes away from midnight." Tony announces through the mic and we all begin to file outside.

"What's going on?" Loki asks as he leads me outside, his hand on the small of my back.

"Just another little Midgardian tradition we do at midnight on New Years." I smile and he laughs at my use of the word Midgard.

We all stand together as a team with all the other guests around us as the count down to midnight begins.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everybody shouts as fireworks explode in the sky, sending colourful sparks through the darkness.

"Wow..." Loki breathes.

"I know." I smile. "Happy New Year Lo." I say, turning to face him and stroking his cheek.

"Happy New Year Safie." Loki smiles warmly, leaning down and softly kissing my lips.

I instinctively bring both my hands to his face, pulling him down more to me. He hums softly as his lips continue to move softly over mine, his arms wrapping protectively around my waist, pulling my body closer to his.

We break away from the kiss, pressing our foreheads against each other as my eyes lock with his. The fireworks still exploding in the background.

"Happy New Year brother! Lady Safie!" Thor beams patting us both on the back.

"Happy New Year Sparkles!" I say, turning to hug him tightly before leaving Loki and Thor to hug it out whilst I'm making my way around the team, hugging them all and wishing them a happy new year.

"Happy New Year, Doll." Bucky smiles pulling me into a hug.

"Happy New Year Buck." I smile, hugging him back.

The party rages on for a few hours, with many drinks flowing and a lot of drinking games.
For once, I was careful not to get drunk as I didn't want to wake up in the morning with a banging headache.

At some point during the party, I lose track of where Loki is. After asking a few people, including Thor, and all of them having no idea, I just assume he'd had enough of the party and went to his room.

After another hour or so, I call it a night. Saying good night to the rest of the team I head up to my room, grateful for the somewhat noise cancelling walls that I hoped would drown out most of the noise from the party.

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