Christmas Eve

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Although me and Loki woke up pretty early, we decided to stay in bed until midday since we didn't have many plans for the day.

"I have to admit little mortal, I may actually be looking forward to tomorrow." Loki smiled, turning over onto his stomach and propping himself up with his elbows.
"Good." I smile. "I'm looking forward to it too and I'm not usually a Christmas kind of person." I laugh.
"Oh really? You've seemed so excited for it the last couple of days." He says, arching an eyebrow at me.
"I know... I'm excited for your first Christmas on 'Midgard' and I'm excited that you're here with me." I blush.
"It's times like this when you act so adorable, I almost forget that you're a trained killer." He smirks.
"Hey!" I pout. "Says you Mister 'I'm going to rule over Midgard' oh what was it you said? In the end you will always kneel?" I mock. "How'd that work out for you Mischief?" I smirk.
Loki glares at me for a few seconds before a smirk slowly crept up on his face.

"Well... in the end, you, will always kneel." He winked and I slapped his arm. "I'd say it worked out pretty well." He said laughing.
"Asshole." I huff, rolling my eyes which only made him laugh more.

After making it up to me with many, many kisses, we decided to finally get up and take a shower together.
I stepped into the shower first, leaning my head back as the hot water cascaded over my body.
Loki stepped in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close so my head was leaning back against his chest.

He peppered kisses along my neck as his fingers dipped below my waist and slowly started circling my clit, drawing out my pleasure.
My eyes rolled back as I moaned his name.
"Always so responsive." Loki hums into my neck as his lips sucked little bruises into my skin.

I reach my arms back and weave my fingers into his hair, gripping hard and earning a groan from Loki. I felt him harden against me as he slid two fingers inside, curling them up to my core.
Loki's other hand began massaging each breast, twirling each nipple in between his finger and thumb. The hot water from the shower making my skin even more sensitive to his expert touch.

I turn my head and pull him in with his hair so I could kiss him. His lips found mine in an instant, hungry and full of heat. His tongue tangled with mine as his fingers began moving faster within me, pleasure blooming in my belly.
Loki began grinding his hard cock against me, aching for some kind of friction as he moaned into my mouth.

"Your body burns for me, my pet." He purred as his thumb ghosted over my clit.
"Because you make me feel so good Loki." I whimpered and Loki clicked his tongue and chuckled, mischief glowing in his eyes.
"I want to hear you." He whispered before curling his fingers hard inside me whilst his thumb relentlessly circled my clit.

"Loki! Fuck!" I cried out as my legs began to shake.
"Cum for me little one." He growled as he pinched my nipple with his other hand.
I moaned his name again as I fell apart around him, my hands fisted into his hair and my hips riding his hand.

He continued to lavish me, riding me through my high until he felt my body relax. He turned me round to face him, gripping my face as he kissed me desperately.

Suddenly he picked me up and slammed me against the wall of the shower, my legs wrapping around his waist.
"Tell me what you want." He growled as his cock nudged against my entrance.
"I want you Loki... all of you." I breathed as I locked eyes with Loki, his pupils blown so wide with desire only a small ring of blue could be seen.

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