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*A/N I am so sorry I haven't uploaded, I've been at Comic-Con all weekend and I MET TOM HIDDLESTON THREE TIMES, he was so sweet, funny, kind... angel. I got two photos with him and he signed my TVA jacket! I feel complete xD I posted a storytime on TikTok talking about what me and him spoke about at each of the interactions, if anyone's interested it's @shannon.laufeyson


I woke up extra early this morning, way too nervous to sleep. Before getting ready I quietly go into the kitchen to make an extra large coffee, relieved Bucky wasn't sitting there, it means he's probably sleeping well.

As nervous as I am to go to Asgard, I'm so excited to see Loki again. It's only been a couple days but I've found myself missing him constantly, which has been unnerving to say the least considering I never usually get attached to people like that.
He just feels like home to me and since he's been gone, the best way to describe how I've felt is homesick.
I miss being in his arms, seeing his shy smile, his mischievous smirk, listening to his stories, his sarcasm, his smell, his laugh...

I'm in trouble aren't I?

I try to push down the feelings settling in my chest the best I could, dismissing every thought of him as I waited for the coffee to brew.
Grabbing my favourite mug, I added my hazelnut syrup and vanilla creamer to my coffee, grabbed a fluffy blanket from the sofa and went to sit outside on the balcony.

The crisp autumn air turning my cheeks a rosey pink as I curl up on one of the chairs, watching the sunrise over the New York skyline.
It's crazy to think how much my life has changed in the past year, from being a drunk university student in London, never really having travelled much, to being kidnapped and brought to Germany by Hydra, brought to New York by Stark, meeting my new family, meeting not one but two literal gods, and now in a couple hours I'll be travelling, not just to a new country or even continent, but an entirely new realm.
Nausea crept up my throat as I thought about it.

What if Odin or Frigga hate me?
What if I embarrass Loki at the ball?
What if I'm never allowed to come back?
What if Loki realises I'm not worth his effort or time?

My chest tightens as I start to panic, my mind spiralling out of control. Just as I'm sure I'm about to lose all composure, a voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Hey tiny, what are you doing out here?"
"Steve! Oh my god hi! I don't know really, it just looked pretty out here, are you okay?" I smile up at him, beyond thankful for his intrusion on my thoughts.
"You okay? You look stressed. I'm good, I was just getting ready to go for my run when I saw you sitting out here. Mind if I join you?"
"No of course not. Come sit." I say gesturing to the chair next to me. "And I'm okay, but you are right, I'm stressed stressed."
"Talk to me tiny, what's up?"
"Steve. I'm five foot ten. I'm not tiny."
"Ah you're tiny compared to me." He smiles warmly. "Talk to me."
I roll my eyes before looking at him again.
"I'm going to Asgard in a couple of hours..." I whisper.
"Oh yeah! That's today! That's so exciting, you have to too me everything when you're back. Is that why you're stressed?"
"Yeah... I'm excited don't get me wrong, but I'm terrified Stevie... it's literally another realm. I'm meeting Odin and Frigga, going to this elaborate ball... I don't know how to do it." I ramble, staring at my coffee.
"Listen to me. You're going to be fine. Odin and Frigga will love you I'm sure, you practically single handedly saved their son. This ball is really just as much in your honour as it is in his. You're sweet, charming and funny, who wouldn't love you?" He reassures and I feel myself relaxing a bit.
"Thank you... you're the best Cap." I smile.
"I try my best tiny, I try my best." He winks as he heads back inside.

I finish my coffee, taking a few moments more to admire the sunrise before I go upstairs to my room to get ready.
Loki never specified a time, as usual.
I take a quick shower and wash my hair before brushing my teeth and blow drying my hair into soft waves.

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