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"Okay Loki! Up!" I shout, jumping on top of the sleeping god of mischief.
"What in all the nine realms are you doing?!" Loki yells, grabbing a pillow and covering his face with it.
"I said... up!" I grin, grabbing the pillow off of him and throwing it onto the floor.

Loki glares up at me, a slight pout on his lips, his blue eyes still glassy from sleep.
"You're cute when you pout Lohk." I tease.
"I am not pouting." He huffs. "Why are you waking me up at this ungodly hour?"
"Loki it's 9am. It's hardly early." I laugh. "And besides it's our last day in London before going back and I've planned a day out for us." I smile down at him.

Loki groans, rolling his eyes before pushing me off of him and flipping over so he's facedown in the mattress.

I huff loudly before going into the kitchen to make coffee and toast.
Loki emerges a few moments later, wrapped in the duvet looking like the most gothic burrito I've ever seen. He stands in the middle of the kitchen pouting at me.

"You left me." He whines.
"You wouldn't get up." I laugh. "Do you want a coffee sire?" I tease, curtsying before him.
"Yes. I'd like one as dark and as bitter as my soul." Loki glares.
"So a vanilla latte with extra syrup and cream then?" I say, arching my eyebrow.
"Yes... please." He mumbles, looking at the floor, a small smile twitching on his face.


I make Mr dark and brooding his overly sweet coffee whilst his ridiculous ass goes to get dressed.
When he returns, he glides into the kitchen, plucking his coffee up from the side. taking a few mouthfuls before placing it back down and wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Feeling better now my liege?" I mock.
"Much. I'd feel even better if you watched that awfully smart mouth of yours." Loki warns but I take no notice.
"Yes m'lord." I grin.
Loki let's out a short laugh before striking me across the backside.
"Um... ouch?!" I yell at him, turning around.
"Consider that your final warning pet." Loki smirks before finishing his coffee.

I decide to bite my tongue for once before my ass ends up stinging anymore.
I drink my coffee sitting opposite Loki, glaring at him as he sips on his whilst he casually flips through the paper.

Smug little asshole. I think as I fiddle mindlessly with the pendant.

I can hear you pet.

Fuck! I let go of the necklace in surprise as I peak up at Loki.
He hasn't moved, still looking down at the paper but a distinctly 'pleased with himself' expression plastered on his face.


"Ready for your second time on the tube Lohk?" I wink as we walk towards Chalk Farm station.
"Ready as I can be considering it's being squashed into a disgusting metal tube, pressed awfully close to a bunch of Midgardians as we hurtle down a poorly made track in complete darkness." Loki says, glaring at me.
"Such a drama queen." I reply, rolling my eyes.

We take the underground from Chalk Farm to Embankment before changing to get to Waterloo station.
Loki scowling the entire time.

"So what's on the agenda?" Loki asks, perking up now we're out of the busy station.
"Sea Life." I grin at him.
"To see life?" He asks, evidently confused.
"No not see, sea. Like the ocean. We're going to an aquarium Lohk." I laugh.

It's a short walk from the station to the aquarium and Loki seems pretty enthused as we start to walk around the different exhibits.

"Are these sharks fully grown?" Loki muses as he stares up at the sharks swimming overhead.
"I think so?" I say shrugging, distracted by a different fish.
"Hmm... these are tiny compared to the ones we have on Jötunheim."
"I'm sorry? You have sharks on Jötunheim?!" I whisper-shout.
"Oh yes. Ferocious beasts. Easily 100ft long before they're fully grown." Loki says as his eyes follow one of the sharks.
"Uh fuck going to the beach in Jötunheim." I laugh.
"Darling, you'd freeze in-land never mind by the sea." Loki scoffs.

My time with MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now