an unexpected Visit

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Charlie and Harry had exchanged letters a lot since they can't go on dates. Sam and Harry received their results on the same day. Sam did well in all of his NEWTs Harry on the other hand not so much. He made the requirements for all the classes he would have to take to become a healer, and he had passed all of his subjects. He would have to work harder as he starts his path to the healer career. As his birthday approached, he wanted to take a trip to Romania to see Charlie and the dragons. He has asked and his dad said no that he couldn't go to the reserve.

This had devastated him. He felt like he was worthless and unloved. That his torture would begin again. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop and a new round of beatings to begin. He realized that since he was abused that he would always be like this waiting for a beating, being told he wasn't wanted around, that he was better off dead. He hated those thoughts and the feelings they bring to him. Harry awoke on his birthday to a letter from Charlie. Harry was excited he couldn't wait to read what Charlie sent him. He wasn't prepared for what was in it. He wasn't prepared for anything that the day would bring. Harry decided to see what his friends had to say about coming over to celebrate his birthday this afternoon. Neville's said sorry that he was gone out of country with his family. Cedric said that he was working and wouldn't be able to make it. This came to Luna who said that her and her daddy was on Holiday and wouldn't be able to make it. This brought him to Charlie's letter. It went as follows:

Dearest Harry,

I know that we haven't dated for long, and we haven't been on many dates, but I won't be there to celebrate you turning sixteen. I am busy with reserve and a sick mother dragon. This has all my attention. Due to the distance and schedule issues, I have decided that it is best that I break up with you. I hope that after you graduate, we might try dating again. until than this is goodbye. I hope all is well with you. Happy Birthday


Harry stared at the letter. It was over. The man he loved broke up with him through a letter. The man didn't have the guts to tell him to his face. Harry walked down to the dining room for breakfast. He had noticed that the mansion was quiet it seemed that the others all had left for the day. This made Harry sad and alone like no one cared that they had reverted back to before and that they would come in a beat him. It was at this moment that Harry jerked awake from his nightmare. He was panting and sweating. That scared him. He thought it was real. That he wasn't dreaming. Harry got up from his bed and headed towards his dad's room. He needed to make sure that he was awake, and his dad wasn't "going to go back to beating him. Harry quietly opened his dad's door and went in. he walked up to him and shook him. James awoke to being shooked on the shoulder. James groggily said, "What is it." Harry said, "I had a nightmare about you beating me." James scooted over and held the covers up so his son could crawl into bed with him.

James cuddled his son and whispered, "it was a bad dream not happening ever again." Harry woke the next time to a slight shacking. Harry looked to see his dad shaking him. James said, "Happy Birthday son." Harry said, "thanks dad." Harry got up and walked downstairs he ate breakfast and noticed that he was alone. James had gone to his study to grab his son's gift. They would be leaving in a couple days to go to Romania so Harry and Charlie could spend some time with each other. Harry would be so surprised. When he made it back to the dining room, he noticed that his son was looking around. James said "Hurry up Harry you need to pack. Harry was confused why did he need to pack. James handed Harry the box and said, "Happy Birthday your sixteen." Harry opened the gift inside it had the latest healing journal. It was wonderful. Harry said "Thanks dad it's wonderful. Time passed and Daniel had given him a figurine of a creature. Camron had given him a book about how to heal dark curses which went on his self-next to the other copy. Harry was woken up the next day and told to pack stuff for a week.

Totally confused about why he needed to do that. He did as told. He packed enough stuff for a week. The rest of the day was spent gathering things they would need for their holiday. Early the next morning Harry was woken up and told to grab his bag. He did as he was told and took his stuff downstairs. Once everyone was there, he was instructed to grab the portkey. Harry was greeted by a beautiful sight. The place was amazing. As Harry was looking around a man came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist and said, "Hello love welcome to the dragon reserve in Romania." Harry spun around in the man's arms to lay eyes on Charlie. Harry leaned forward as he said, "I've missed you." Charlie and Harry had a quick kiss. Charlie said, "You alright you seem hesitant." Harry said, "I had a nightmare a few days ago in it there was a letter from you breaking up with me on my birthday." Charlie said, "Not going to happen I have you and I am not letting you go." Harry smiled. Charlie held Harry's hand as he showed the family their living space. Charlie whispered, "Your father agreed to letting you sleep with me in my place." Harry turned beat red.

  As the others settled in Charlie and Harry walked to Charlies living quarters and Harry settled into the place. Charlies only had one bedroom so the two would have to sleep in the same bed. One of the reasons that he wanted to come was to talk to the dragons. Another and his main one were to spend time with Charlie. He missed his boyfriend and wanted to spend as much time with him as he could. The days passed and before they knew it three days had gone by.  

AN I do not Own Harry Potter or the Pictures all rights go to the owner of both. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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