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I just arrived at a local bookstore to see if I'll be able to find something interesting to read. Obviously. I entered the very familiar place and started roaming around. Sorry, I forgot to introduce my self. Hello my name is Madeline, 20 years old, and I live in a small town here in England. I just moved here about five months ago. It was currently summer and yes, I do spend my summer in a bookstore. Since I don't have people to socialize with I either stay at home with Hailey, who is my best friend and roomate or I go to a bookstore. Yes, I know, pretty lame.

So I was looking from shelf to shelf until something caught my eye. "Attachments" by Rainbow Rowell. After reading the back part of the book and being satisfied I walked my way to the cashier but was immediately bumped by someone.

"Whoopsss sorry babe didn't see you there." the man said

I looked up to see the face of the man and when I did I saw a very goodlooking lad.

"Uhh um- No! I mean no its not your fault. I wasn't looking. Sorry."

"Its okay."

I didn't realize the book I was holding fell until he bent down to grab it

"Here." he said while handing me the book


"So Attachments huh." he said reffering to my book."

"Uhh yeah. I just really like Rainbow Rowell"

"Yeah I know her. My sister has a collection of her books." he said and it was kind of getting awkward

"Sooo I'll be going?"

"Wait!" he said while grabbing my arm not letting me go just yet

"I never really got your name."

"Oh. Its Madeline. And you are?"

"Harry. Harry Styles." he answered

"Its nice too meet you Harry." I said while smiling

"You to Madeline." he answered and smiled back

"So I'll be going now."

"Wait." he said again "Can I get your number?"

Oh my fuck. Did a boy just ask for my number.

"Uhh yeah sure." I said while I tried my best to keep calm

Harry and I said our goodbye's after exchanging numbers then I proceeded paying for my book.


I was currently reading the book I purchased hours ago and so far it was very interesting. Hailey and I just got home from Mcdonalds since we had our lunch there and now I'm here doing my normal routine.

I probably finish a book maybe 3-4 days so I may have to go back to the bookstore very soon. And with that idea I thought about Harry. The way he talked to me, the way he smiled at me, the way our hands touched when he returned my book. But I just met the guy. He may be a kidnnaper (a/n a hot one may i add) or worse a murderer. I really shouldn't trust him right away. But he seems nice. I mean he did say sorry when I bumped him.

As i was having crowded thoughts i unconciously drifted in a long nap


hope you liked it! please vote and comment :))

oh and btw i highly recommend attachments because its really a good book :)) its basically a boy reading a girl's email and falling inlove with her. dont wanna be a spoiler. JUST READ IT

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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