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Our time here in Ireland has ended. It was once again time to say goodbye to my bestfriend. Niall and Harry already said their farewells, so it was just Hailey and I.

"So, we're saying goodbye again." Hailey stated

"I know right. I hate this part so much. But I'm glad I was able to see you again." I said, hugging her

Our flight was now announced, and we said our last goodbyes. We waited in line till we entered the plane. Harry sat near the window this time, me sitting beside him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I noticed that Harry looked a little uncomfortable

"Yeah, yeah. Just thinking about things."

"Are you excited?"


"Are you excited that you're gonna where the necklace again? That you're gonna live again?"

"Of course I am. But I have to tell you something once we get back to yours." Harry said, making me confused

"You can tell it now."

"No, I'd rather wait till we get back. Its for the better."

"Oh, okay."

The rest of the flight was silent. I didn't know what was bothering Harry. But whatever it was, I wouldn't force him to tell me about it.


After our short flight, we arrived back in England. We already got our bags, and was about to ride a cab.

Until now, there was still tension in the air. Harry had his mind on something else that was crowding his thoughts. I was now worrying.

After telling the taxi drivers some directions, we arrived at my very missed home.

We payed the driver and watched him drive away. We walked towards m fron door and I got my very familiar keys and opened the door. I let Harry enter first before me. The familiar scent of the house filled the room which made me love my home even more. It feels great to be back.

Harry left his things in the living room for the mean time and stayed there, while I went upstairs to go change. Once I was done, I decided to fix my things. I started with my clothes. I put those close that I haven't used back in my closet.

About five minutes later, I heard my door open and close. Harry was standing behind me and said, "Do you need any help?" I replied with a simple "No, I'm good." and continued what I was doing.

I heard him sit on my bed while watching me. He sat there for minutes while I was fixing my clothes. When I was done, I put my suitcases back in one of the cabinets until it will be used again. Harry told me to sit on my bed beside me, so I did.

"So, I need to tell you something." Harry said

"What is it?"

"Its about the necklace.

"What about it? Are you going to wear it now? You're aunt told you that it would work, right?" I asked, confused

"Yes. And about that, my aunt told me something the last time we went to her house. Do you remember that?"

"Yes, I do remember."

"Before I say anything, will you promise to still trust me?"

"Harry, your scarring me-"

"Just please, Madeline. Trust me?"

"I always have and always will."

"Okay." Harry let out a very huge sigh before starting

"When aunt Clarisse told me that I'll live again, I was so happy. But she told me something else." Harry said, seriousness seen in his eyes

"She told me that there was only one way to make people know that I'm alive. And that was to start things again."

That make me gasp but he stopped me say anything just yet.

"Wait Madeline. I need to explain. She told me that everything should be the way it was before I died. Meaning the time we haven't met before. That's why I didn't wear the necklace yet. I don't even know if I want to wear the necklace anymore."

"Harry, what are you saying? Don't do this for me. Do this for your family. They need you. Don't ever think of not wearing the necklace only because of me. You deserve to live. Be happy again."

"But I am happy. I'm happy with you. You make me forget the real world, Madeline. You don't know how much I care for you."

"I know that, Harry. But you have to think about your family too. They were there for you your whole life! Without them, you wouldn't be here. Yes, I care about you. So much. But I know that there are much more people out there that care about you too."

"Madeline, I need you. Without you I'm nothing. You make me strong. I don't know, maybe if I wear that necklace, I wouldn't remember you. I don't want about you to forget you. I really don't.

"Harry, don't think about stuff like that. If you're right that you would forget me, I wouldn't. I'm sure of it. I would never ever forget you. Because I love you."


cliffhanger haha well, sort of

soo one more chapter before the epilogue huhu time flies so fast

but i hope u liked this chapter please vote and comment

follow me on twitter: mxdernhes

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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