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after 1 billion years i finally updated

sorry guys

i just had soo many problems that i have to work on

but i would like to say a big THANK YOU to @Dorinexx for constantly voting and commenting. I love you sooo much .xx



We had so much fun yesterday. We stayed there for a solid 5 hours. We did nothing but relax in the water.

Also, Madeline told me about her ex boyfriend yesterday. She said that he was a popular guy at school. Apparently, he was a player and he cheated on her. That son of a bitch. If I was there with her that time, I would've punch the living shi- God, what am I saying. Why am I being so defensive? Yes, I like her. But I know she wouldn't like me back. I mean, who would want to date a dead guy?

Niall told us that we were going to an amusement park which we all agreed on. Honestly, if I were to experience this type of thing while I was still living, I would happily do that with Madeline. She's such a fun person to be with. She doesn't care about what others think about her. But she cares so much for the people around her. She doesn't want anyone feeling left out. I probably sound really gay right now, but that's the things I like about her.

Okay, enough of that. I better start getting ready.

I wore a plain black shirt, black jeans, and boots. Basically what I wear almost every single day. All of us were finished so we went to Niall's car. We sat in different seats now. Me being at the passenger's seat beside Niall, and Madeline being at the backseat with Hailey.

I really liked Madeline's outfit. She wore a light blue sundress. She didn't wear any make-up which showed her her flaws. She was so pretty.

During the ride, I would look at the rear mirror and steal a glance at her. The way she laughs whenever Hailey says something funny. Or when she finds it funny. Her smile making me smile to.

I am such a creeper. I mean, who stalks a girl who is just behind you? Apparently, I do


We were immediately greeted by the sound of the rides being operated with the screams of different people when we arrived. I wasn't really the amusment park kind of guy. And I hate roller coasters.

The girls looked very excited to go to one of the attractions. Niall and I did nothing but follow them to where they wanted to go. There were a fair amount of people here. Kids with their parents, girls with their boyfriends, and some group of friends.

Hailey was now with Niall, their hands intertwined, while Madeline and I were side by side. Our hands sometimes touching each others. There was a very awkward tension between us.

The couple spotted a ride. Sadly, it was a roller coater. Madeline looked like she was excited too. So I just acted fine and joined them. We took our seats, got our belts buckled up, and waited for the ride to start. I think Madeline detected my uneasy face. Also by the way I was griping the handle even if the ride haven't started yet.

"Are you okay, Harry?" she asked

"Yeah. I'm just not a fan of roller coasters."

"You're not? Harry you should've told me. So that I wouldn't have dragged you with me. Harry I'm so-"

"Madeline, it's okay. Its not a big of a deal. You don't have to feel sorry. I was the one who didn't tell you. Also, this ride is just a short one. It couldn't be bad." I assured, her nodding in reply

After a few minutes, the ride was about to start. My hands were gripping the handle hard, like I was holding for dear life. I hope this ride would end soon.


If earlier, Madeline felt sorry for me, now she was laughing at me. I knew she tried to stop herself from laughing. But she didn't. She kept on teasing me because she thought that I screamed during the ride more than her. Which I know is true.

We bought some cotton candy and roamed around the place. The awkward tension between us decreased, which was good. We would tell each other a few words here and there.

We rode other rides. Happily no more rollor coasters. And by the end of our trip, we decided to go to a ferriswheel.

Apparently, each booth can only hold up to two people. So obviously, Hailey and Niall went together. Leaving Madeline and I again.

We entered the booth making it wobble a little. We took our seats, the two of us facing each other.

We just waited until we were at the very top. Madeline didn't look nervous or scared as she looked below us. She was tough and brave.

"Its a lovely view there." she said, pointing to the sun slowly setting

"It is."

The moment I said that, the ride sundenly came to a stop, resulting Madeline to move forward towards me. Her hands gripping my shoulders because of the sudden stop.

"You okay?"

"Yes. Just a little tumble." she said as she sat on her seat again

"Madeline, I wanted to thank you for going with me even if you didn't need to. It means allot to me" I said, moving closer to her as we were slowly nearing the ground. She was looking at the window until she spun her head

"Its no prob-" she cut herself when she realized we were inches apart beacause of me moving. My eyes were looking into hers when it slowly moved down to her lips. Her doing the same. I didn't know what came to me, but I started moving closer. She didn't object or tell me to stop.

At this point our lips were centimeters apart. One move and our lips would be touching. She closed her eyes, ready for what's going to happen. Me doing the same.

This is it, I thought. Our lips were finally going to meet. Until we both heard someone opening the door.

We both literally jumped from our seats as we saw that we were on the ground again, and our doors were being opened for us to get out.

Madeline looked startled, but tried to act normal. We exited the ride, Hailey and Niall already waiting for us.

"This was such a fun day, was it?" Niall asked

"Yes. It was." I smiled looking at Madeline

"Yeah I agree." she answered

This was probably just the start of our twisted roller coaster ride. Even if I hate roller coasters.


im back guys

sorry sorry sorry for not updating i just had some things in mind that kept me from updating. but i updated so yay!

hope you liked this chapter dont forget to vote and comment

luv you all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies .xx

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