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(( short chapter ahead ))



I woke up feeling strange. My head was pounding so hard, I felt like throwing up. I sat on my bed, observing my room. Something felt wrong. My bed was empty, not that it shouldn't be. But I was feeling confused. I didn't know why.

I daydreamed for a while before standing from my bed and heading to the bathroom. I washed my face and wiped it with a towel afterwards and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I was then greeted by my best friend. That's strange. I thought she moved in with Niall?

"Must be my imagination." I said to myself

"Goodmorning Madeline." Hailey greeted as went down the stairs


"Are you okay? You look a little off."

Did I really?

"No no, I'm fine."

I went to the cupboard to get my favorite cereal and went through the drawers to get a bowl and a spoon. Hailey passed me the milk once I sat on one of the stools and starting eating.

I finished my breakfast rather quickly and went back upstairs to my room. I laid on my dead while scrolling through my phone out of boredom. But the feeling of being uncomfortable never left.

I then stripped out of my pajamas and changed into my ripped jeans and a simple band tee. I decided to go to a local bookstore just down the street to purchase a book. I thought it would be able to relax me from my uncomfortable and confused state.

I was acting so weird today. I didn't know what the hell was going on. Was it the food I ate last night? Did I even eat at all? Maybe not. Yeah, that must be the reason.

I grabbed my phone, some money, and slipped on my shoes before saying goodbye to Hailey. I headed out the door and made my way to my destination.


I arrived a few minutes after and went straight to go look for a book. I looked from shelf to shelf, seeing if something would catch my eye.

"Everything all seems familiar." I thought. It was like déjà vu or something.

At this point I was beyond confused onto what was happening to me. But I shrugged it off and continued looking for a book. If you didn't know I was very picky with things especially with books. So I wouldn't be surprised if I stayed here for 2 hours straight just to find a stupid book.

After minutes of scanning different aisles, I finally found a book. "Attachments by Rainbow Rowell" it said. I read the description at the back of the book and decided to buy it. But haven't I bought this book already? No, it must have been a different book.

I pulled out a few dollars from my pocket to pay for the book. But as I was walking to the cashier, a dollar fell out from my hands. I groaned silently and bent down to grab it. As I stood up quickly I ended up bumping into somebody's very hard chest.

"Whoopsss sorry babe didn't see you the- Madeline?"

I looked up to the mans face and almost fainted when I did.


Then suddenly, I remembered everything.

From meeting him at the same spot, the car crash, him being dead, going to Ireland, coming back home, the necklace. It all made a whole lot of sense now.



The both of us were speechless. It was obvious he was also confused as I was before going here. But now that we saw each other again, we were no longer feeling that way.

I went for it and wrapped my tiny arms around him. I hugged him very tightly while he did the same. A few people had confused looks on their faces because of what they were witnessing now. But we didn't care. All that mattered at this point was us.

We stayed there for minutes before I decided to pull out from our hug. He cupped my cheeks with his big warm hands while our foreheads were touching.

"You remembered." I heard him whisper

"Of course I did. I made a promise, remember?" I said looking up to him

"Yeah, you did. I'm glad I remembered you too. My life probably wouldn't be that happy if I didn't know who you were."

"I love you." I suddenly blurted out

"And I love you."

"Our eyes were closed, us just savoring the moment of being in each others arms. Now people were really weirded out by us. But like I said earlier, we didn't care

"I knew I made the right decision."

"And what must that be?" He asked

"To trust you."


Hello my fellow readers, my book is officially over!! I wanted to thank everyone that supported this story from the start, and to everyone that voted and commented

I wouldnt really feel the need to update if it wasnt for you guys so thank you so much!!

Also, I wanted to inform you guys that I might be posting a part full of clarifications and inspirations about this story. Probably putting that up maybe later or tomorrow.

But then words cant express how thankful I am to have very lovely readers. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

If you have any questions you can ask me through twitter, twitter.com/mxdernhes


harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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