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You can say that Harry and I had this 'bond' we created over the past few days. We would hang out most of the time and would share laughs about ourselves. But that wouldn't change the fact the he was kind of acting weird around me.

He wouldn't want to go to any public or crowded place and I don't know the reason behind that. I wasn't really sure if he was suddenly feeling somewhat nervous around people. But I didn't ask him questions about that so he wouldn't suspect me being curious.

It was a Friday so that means I have work on 6:30 pm until 10:00 pm at a local diner nearby. I was already dressed and all I had to do was to grab my bag and keys then I can walk my way to the restaurant.

It took me about 20 minutes to arrive at the diner and as I entered I saw that only a few people were eating there. Which was a good thing, I suppose. I worked here as a waiter along with my other friends, Laura and Liam. And we had Angel as our kitchen manager. She was really kind and very considerate.

I started working, giving out menus to the guest and shouting their orders in the kitchen, then serving it to them. I did that for hours and hours until my shift was over.

I started fixing my stuff with Laura and Liam since we were the only ones left at the diner. We started chatting about events that happened over the past few days.

"So this Harry guy is basically scared of people now?" Laura asked. I told them about Harry and how he was becoming weird

"I don't know. Hopefully not. Maybe he was just feeling uncomfortable with people. But why?"

"Well whatever the reason may be, you're still very lucky to be having a hot guy talk and be with you every single day despite the fact that he does not want to go out and be seen by people." Liam said, winking at me

"You're over exaggerating. He does not visit me 'every single day'. Maybe just twice a week and please let us not talk about this topic anymore."

"Whatever you say. Let's just head out now. Its pretty late." Laura said, checking her watch

"Yeah. Well I'll be going now. Bye! See you guys on Monday." I said, waving to them while i exited the diner."

"Don't forget to say hi to Harry for me!" Liam screamed while Laura was laughing beside him

I have crazy friends


After a few minutes of walking I was now seing the structure of my apartment. Maybe a few meters away. But on the way, I saw a man heading the opposite direction as I was. He had brown hair and was kind of tall. He had his head down while walking. So I quickly walked to my apartment and entered. Not that the man looked scary or anything. But you may never know.

I shut the front door and threw my bags on the couch. I went straight up to my room to get some clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed into them then washed my face and brushed my teeth. After that I went back to my bedroom.

I layed on my bed, tiredly, thinking about different things until I fell into deep slumber.


i am back

sorry for not updating for like 3 days but i updated now soo yay!!

oh and btw thank you so much for 306 reads. It pretty big to me already so thank you for reading trust!!

hope u liked this chapter and dont forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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