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My jaw was literally touching the floor. My eyes were wide as I processed the words Ben told me. Harry Styles. The man who constantly visits me at my apartment. The guy I laugh with. Talk with. So happens to be dead. All I was thinking about was the fact that Harry Syles was infact dead.

"You okay?" he asked since he recognized my very shocked face

"Uh yes, yes it just um- I have to go." I said quickly

"Oh okay. But can I like get your number. I really liked your company."

"Yeah, yeah sure"

We quickly exchanged numbers, exited the diner together and went to both seperate ways. My shocked expression still evident on my face. How can I still see him if he is fucking dead. How, how, how? I must be crazy. But he didn't seem 'dead' when he was talking to me. Wait, maybe that's the reason why he was acting strange. Maybe that's why he didn't want to go out. Because it'll look weird. Me talking to basically nothing in the eyes of other people. But then, wht can I see him.

As I was having those thoughts, I didn't realize that I was walking off of the sidewalk and that a car was behind me. Almost running me over.

"Hey, watch it!" the driver shouted over the rolled down window

"Sorry!" I shouted back while the man kept driving until his car dissapeared in a distance. But i wasn't worrying about that. I was worrying about the fact that I was talking to a dead person.

My heart literally was still beating out from my chest. I didn't know if I wanted to cry because this was creepy as shit. Or be happy because of the fact that I can still talk to him. But I don't think I'll be happy any time soon because I'm busy worrying about Harry.

I didn't even realize that I was infront of my apartment. I quickly grabbed the keys, my hands shaking in the process, and entered my so lovely home. My mind was still full with thoughts that didn't seem to want to get out of my head.

Then suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating in my pockets. I grabbed it and saw a text from none other than Mr. Harry Styles. What a great timing. Just great.

"Hey, I'm coming at your apartment tomorrow. Around 10 am. I wanted to tell you something."

Wow. Just wow. He didn't even know that I already knew that he was freaking dead and he was about to tell me something else? I mean how many secretes does he possibly keep from me?

I sighed heavily, deciding not to reply to his text because of the frustration that was slowy building up inside me. I angrily walked up to to my room, not caring about changing anymore, and jumped on my bed. My face sinking on the soft pillows. I turned my body around making me face the ceiling.

I still can't keep my mind off ofthe fact that a dead person just texted me. I should be terrified. But suprisingly I was not. I was frustrated. He didn't even thought of telling it to me sooner.

I guess I won't be having any sleep tonight.


I was currently waiting for Harry while walking around the living room. I didn't know what to do when I see his dead body enter the apartment. But as I thought about that there was a knock on my front door. My head snapped to the door and let out a very deep sigh. I tried to calm down as I was nearing to the door. I opend it and there stood a casual looking Harry. It made me nervous now because I know for a fact that the person infront of me is dead.

"Hi." he simply said

"Hi. Come in." I said, trying my best to be calm even though my heart was racing

We took a seat at one of the couches and there was a very awkward silence. Until Harry decided to speak.

"So I came here because I wanted to tell you something."

"I have something to tell you too."

"Oh okay. Why don't you tell yours first." he said. Bad idea

I sighed deeply while closing my eyes before opening them and looking at him

"Yesterday, I met a guy at the restaurant. He told me his name was Ben." I paused for a moment looking at Harry who seemed like he knew where I was going. So I continued. "He explained to me that one of his closest friend who happens to be his cousin died in an accident. He said that his car fell off of a bridge that caused his death." I said slowly.

"He also told me the name of the man." I said, now looking away from him

"Madeline I-"

"No, let me finish." I said, cutting him off

"You wanna know the name of the man? Huh?"

"He told me that it was you Harry. It was fucking you! Why didn't you even think of telling it to me rather than me knowing it from other people? Who was your freaking cousin?"


"No Harry. You should've told me from the start. So that I would've understood why there was a dead man constantly speaking to me!"

Okay, this was definately becoming crazy. I was beconing crazy. I mean, yelling to a dead person? That's not what you see everyday.

"Madeline listen to me." he said, grabbing ahold of both of my shoulders

"There's a reason why I came to you out of all people. I need help. And I thought that you could help me. Please Madeline. I can live again. Be normal again. I can be with you, go out with you even. This will not only help me but also my family. Even you. Please Madeline" he explained

"All you have to do is to trust me."


double update guys

this was the longest chapter in this book so far soo you are very welcome

i hope u liked this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment anything

and thank u so much for 389 reads. Its pretty big for me so thabk you thank you thank you!!

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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