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i did not reread this after i was done so please excuse the errors and please read a/n after this chapter its very important



It feels good. Confessing your love to someone. I loved Harry so much.

"Yes Harry, I love you. But your family. They love you more. They need you. You need them. Even more people need you. I am just one."

"Madeline..." he said, cupping both of my cheeks "I love you too. So much. But I need you. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't. I just can't. I don't want to let you go."

"Harry, don't think like that. You wouldn't lose me. We will find a way. But if you truly love someone, you have to make sacrifices for them. And mine is to let you be with your family again. But I promise, I will never ever forget about you."

"You promise?"

"Yes, Harry. I do promise. You will always be in my heart. I will never ever forget about you."

At this point, both of us were in tears. With Harry cupping my cheeks with his hands while tears were pouring out from our eyes.

"God, I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you..." Harry said repeatedly which made me giggle softly

"I love you too, Harry. God, I can say that all day."

I noticed that Harry was getting closer to my face. Only inches apart. Then before I knew it, our lips were touching. (a/n i never wrote a kissing scene before so please bare with me)

Our lips were moving in sync, us just savoring the moment of being with each other. His pink plump lips touching mine just making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

But what's even crazier is the fact that I was kissing someone who is dead. Well, not for long. I hope.

After a few minutes of basically making out, the both of us pulled out from our not-so-heated kiss. We did nothing but stare into each other's eyes for the first few seconds until Harry laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, confused. Was there something on my face? Was I not a good kisser?

"We are the most awkward people ever."

I laughed along after he said that and replied with a "Hahahat."

There suddenly was a quick silence before Harry broke it.

"Hey, I want to take you somewhere. Before I wear the necklace. To you know, maybe make our last memory." (a/n I'm sorry im probably not making any sense rn but bare with me. I've been busy for the past days and had HUGE writers block x)

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise." Harry said, his signature smirk prominent again on his face

"You should know by now that I hate surprises."

"I promise, you'll love it."

"You better be sure about that. You're lucky I trust you."


"Harry, where the hell are we? After confessing my love to you, you're here planing on murdering me?" I said jokingly

"Yes." He replied. Seriousness present in his voice.

I froze on my spot as I actually believed in what he said. Until he was laughing his ass out again.

"Oh my god, you should've seen your face! Hahaha I was only joking." He said while holding his stomach and laughing hysterically

"Harry, this isn't the time to joke around. What the hell are we doing in a forest?"

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