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"All you have to do is to trust me."

Those words kept repeating itself over and over again on my head. Those simple words suprisingly struck me. And I don't know why.

"There's a way for me to live again Madeline. That's why I came to you. Because I trust you. So you should trust me too. I know that you can help me." the dead boy said

"Wait, wait. This is getting crazier and crazier. So you're telling me that someone who died weeks ago can actually live again?"

"Yes. And the only way to make that happen is if you trust me. Whatever I say you have to believe."

"I don't know Harry. I mean, I was never confronted by someone who was already dead."

"Please Madeline. Trust me." he begged

I sighed once more until I gave in.

"Fine, okay Harry. I trust you."

"Really? For real?"

"Yes Harry now stop before a change my mind."

"Thank you so much Madeline." he said, jumping from his seat and his cold body attacking mine with a hug

"You don't know how much this means to me. Thank you thank you thank you!"

I suddenly felt guilty because of getting angry at Harry earlier. I should've known how much he trusted me with this. All he wanted was to go back to his family.

"So what do you think will be able to 'keep you alive' then"

"Well I think I may be losing something. Its just that I've never been in an accident before and suddenly at a specific day I just died."

"Do you remember anything that you have or was given to you that had like a sentimental value or something?"

"I can't quite remember..." he said, thinking deeply

It made me have the advantage to examine his features. He had really nice forest green eyes, he had some pimples in his face which actually made him look good. I didn't know why but it just did. Small facial hair growing below his nose. Oh, and his very pink plump lips were just perfect.

As I was scanning his very beautiful face, I saw that there was no necklace around his neck. Unlike the two times I got to see him.

"Harry, where's your necklace?"

"My what?" he said, looking up to meet my eyes

"Your necklace. The crucifux one. Why aren't you wearing it."

He looked at me blankly for seconds until he suddenly smiled widely at me.

"You're a genious Madeline!" he exclaimed


"The necklace. That's what's been missing. The crucifix necklace my grandmother gave me before she died. It was the one who was keeping me safe. Until I lost it. I think. That's why the accident happened. And all I should do now is to find the necklace so I'll be able to live again." he said excitedly

"But where can you possibly lose your necklace? It could be anywhere right now."

"I remember my grandmother having two of them. The other one she gave to me, then the other she kept. I just don't know where."

I was facinated by the way he was thinking. You can really feel how dedicated he is. He does all of this to have his life back? Its just amazing.

"Don't worry Harry, I'll help you find it."

"Thank you so so much Madeline. I owe you my life." he said but then started giggling when he realized the irony of that statement

"Oh Harry, you'll never change." I said, laughing along with him

"Uhh but Harry, I have a question."

"And that is?"

"Am I the only one who can see you. I mean that's the reason why you didn't want to go out in public, right?"

"Not neccessarily. All the people I know can see me. I think. You're the only person I talked to since the accident."

"What if we call Ben. Maybe he can help."

"But what if he freaks out if he sees me?"

"Harry, I think its normal to 'freak out' when you see someone again who is dead. But he'll eventually get over it and be happy that he'll get to see one of his good pals." I said ressuringly

"Ok. Thank you agaim Madeline. I mean it"

"Its no problem." I said smilling


hello der

sorry for the typos i didnt really read them through

hop u liked this chap dont forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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