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Harry and I have been sharing stories about our selves for the past two hours and I was slowly growing comfortable around him. I learned that he has a sister named Gemma. And that he has a ton of cats.

"You seriously did that during classes?" I asked, laughing hysterically

"Yeah and my friends were filming it while I was silently removing my hand off of the table but it was taped real hard." he replied laughing along with me

I checked my watch and saw that it was 11:30 am

"Uhh thank you so much Harry I enjoyed this day. But I have to get going. I promised my room mate I'll be back at lunch time." I said while grabbing my stuff

"I can drive you back to your apartment."

"No need its perfectly fine its just 15 minute walk. I can go there by myself

"I instist." his deep raspy voice stating those simple words making me go over the edge

"Okay." (a/n please no tfios)

We stood from our chairs and left a tip before going out and heading towards Harry's car.

He went infront of the passenger seat to open the door and I mumbled a silent thank you. What a gentleman. He went to the other side of the car and started the car that will take me back to my apartment.

I gave Harry directions that will lead to my apartment along the way. And after a few minutes we arrived infront of my home.

I removed the seatbelt from my waist and grabbed my stuff before getting out of the car.

"Thank you so much Harry. For everything. You did so much for me today, I can't thank you enough."

"Its fine. Just remeber that if you have any problems, I'll always be here to help."

"Okay. Thanks again!" I said while getting out of the car

I waved one last time before seing Harry's car disappear in the distance.

I opened our apartment door realizing that it was left unlocked. Typical Hailey not keeping in mind to lock the doors.

I was greeted by the familiar lavander sent of the room as I entered the apartment. I turned to look at the kitchen and saw Hailey getting some plates and glasses for our meal.

"Oh you're back!" Hailey greeted as soon as she saw me back from my meet up with Harry

"No I'm not. I'm still at Starbucks with Harry." I said sarcastically which was already being a habbit of mine

"Don't be like that. I was the one who cooked our food while you were having fun with this 'Harry' guy I suppose."

"I was just joking. So whats for lunch?" I asked feeling hungry since I forgot to have breakfast because I was too busy stressing out on meeting Harry earlier.

"Your favorite. Pesto."

"Yay! Thanks Hailey. You're the best." I said, hugging her rather tightly

"Yeah yeah, I already know that. Now get off of me and help me prepare our food." she jokingly said


Hailey and I were silently eating our food, the television being the only thing creating any noise. Exept for us talking about pointless stuff once in a while. I slurped silently on my noodle while watching whatever was shown on the tv, same goes for Hailey.

I was now switching the channels and I ended up watching the news. Let's be honest, there are times where in we just find the news interesting. Am I right?

"Just in. A car was seen to be swerving across the road this day, July 12, 2015. Citizens that have seen the accident said that it fell off of a nearby bridge that led the passenger/s to death. The police are still trying to find out the number of passengers in the car since the vehicle was not yet seen..."

"That sounds terrible. I wish they find the car." Hailey supprisingly said

"Yeah. I hope so."


hello der i am back

omfg have any of you seen the new twd episode. i love it. chandler riggs is cute

ANYWAYS hope u liked this chapter please vote and comment

p.s. this is actually my favorite chapter so far

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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