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Its been exactly a week since I last saw Harry and I was already missing his presence. I know I only met him twice but I have a feeling that he is different from others. Maybe that's why I feel comfortable around him.

I was now helping Hailey pack her stuff since she will be moving with her boyfriend, Niall, who lives in Ireland. Niall was practically begging her to move with him and Hailey wouldn't be able to say no to that.

Hailey and I have been best friends since we were in kindergarden and now seing her leave is just the worst. I will miss her so much.

"I will miss you Hailey. Just remember to always give me a call once you land in Ireland." I said sadly

"Don't worry Madeline. I'll try my best to visit. You know I couldn't resist you. And I will also miss you." she replied hugging me


Hailey and I spent our last few days with each other and before i knew it, I was now at the airport, about to see my only best friend fly hours away from where I live.

"Hailey please promise me that you'll facetime me, call me, visit, whatever you fucking like. I just can't stand being without you." I said while sobbing loudly which made people look at me weirdly. But I didn't care at this point

"Aw Madeline I promise. Just don't forget to tell me more about this Harry guy over the phone. Okay?" she replied being the cheeky girl I know

"Okay fine. Anything for you."

After having our "little moment", Hailey's flight was announced to be leaving in 5 minutes.

"Madeline I have to go." she said pulling out from our hug

"Okay. Don't forget about me please."

"I would never. I love you." she said kissing my cheek (a/n they are not lesbian ok. friends do that (?) ok)

She grabbed her bags and walked away. She was slowly drifting away from my sight while I was still here, sobbing uncontrollably which caused people to give me weird and and confused looks. They should probably learn how to mind their own businesses.

I walked to my car and drove my way back to Hailey an- I mean my apartment to take a rest from all the stress

It took me about half an hour to arrive back at my apartment. As I entered it felt so empty. Half of the things here were Hailey's so she had to bring them with her. I went straight to my room and literally jumped on my bed and found a very comfortable spot.

As I was about to sleep I heard my phone vibrating from my pocket. So I grabbed it and saw a text message from Harry. Finally.

"Hey, its been a week since I last saw you. Maybe we can hang out again. I really liked talking to you. So how about at your apartment tomorow?"

This just made my day. Harry Styles wanting to meet me again. This is unbelievable. This feeling is undescribable. I just wished he knew that. But he obviously didn't.

Harry and I did nothing but message each other all night. Whether it was about something relevant or not. I was really happy that I met someone like him.

But I had this odd feeling about him.

And I don't even know if its a bad one or a good one.


double update yay

another boring chapter

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harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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