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those new emojis are dumb as fück

sarreh for the typos

very very important a/n after the chapter please read



I woke up as early as 5 in the morning. I was done packing my things yesterday. Harry called me saying that Ben's brother had to stay at the hospital until the next week so Ben really can't come with us. He also called Niall saying that we will be arriving at Ireland since he still had his number on his phone. I wanted to surprise Hailey so we didn't tell her.

I had around three suitcases with me since we will be staying there for two weeks. Niall told Harry that we can stay at their apartment since they had extra rooms.

I took a shower before changing into new clothes. I wore some black ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt tucked in the jeans with a red and black flannel over it. I also wore my favorite black converse. I just left my jet black hair to dry, but brought some elastics just incase. I did my makeup which consited of some foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and a light red lipstick.

I brought my suitcases one by one down the stairs. I mean, nothing I couldn't handle. I brought the last suitcase down and let out a deep sigh. I decided to eat cereal before going to Harry's.

I got my favorite cereal and poured it on my bowl along with some milk from the fridge. I sat on a stool and happily ate my cereal. Once i was done, I placed the bowl and the spoon in the dishwasher and went upstairs to check if anything was plugged in one last time. I went back down and carried my suitcases to the car. After the last one was in my car, I gave one last check on my house before locking it. I entered my car and called Harry telling him that I on my way to his house. I started the car and drove over to Harry's


I pulled over and texted Harry that I was already infront of his house. Minutes later he came out holding two suitcases and one backpack. I walked towards him and helped him put his stuff at the back of my car. I went back to the driver's seat and Harry went to the passenger's seat. We buckled our seatbelts and made sure if we brought everything we needed before I started the engine and drove to the airport.


"No Harry! That's ridiculous." I protested while laughing. We were playing truth or dare on the way to the airport and he dared me to prank call one of the people on my contacts

"Come on Madeline. You're such a party pooper." he said, faking a pout

"Ugh, fine! But just once."

"Aha! I knew you couldn't resist me." he said, a smirk visile on his face

"I just wanted to prove to you that I would never back out on any dare."

I let Harry be the one to scroll on my contacts and randomly click a person.

"Its says 'Laura'."

"Oh, I work with her. What should I say?"

"Tell her how much you love me."

"What? No that's stup-"

"What happened to 'I back out a dare'?"

I let out a very huge sigh and placed my phone on my lap and put it on speaker so that I wouldn't be pulled over by the cops. It Laura seconds before answering the phone call.

"Hi Made-" she said while I quickly cut her off


"What the fu-" I cut her off again


Before I even gave Laura the change to speak, I quickly hung up and glared at Harry. That bästard was laughing his äss off.

"I hate you."

"Aww don't be sad Madie."

"Madie? Where did that come from?" I asked

"Nowhere. Its a nickname I'll call you."

"Don't even think abo-"

"Madie, Madie, Madie, Madie" he chanted

The rest of the car ride was Harry calling me the nickname he just gave me, and me ignoring him. It took us about 50 minutes to arrive at our destination. I found a good parking space, so I parked my car there and shut the engine off. Harry and I got out of the car and placed are luggages in a luggage cart or whatever you call them.

After the 'checking of bags and passports' were done, we strolled around airport. We spotted a McDonalds and decided to eat there. Harry and I discussed our schedule on when to actually visit his aunt, since we would be staying at Ireland for a long time.

After we ate we went straight back to where we were before and saw that our flight was leaving in 20 minutes. We went through another process of checking the passports and tickets before actually entering the plane. We sat on our seats, me being the one near the window and Harry being the one beside me. The pilot announcing some reminders and some warnings were the last things said before we took off.

"Are you okay?" I asked Harry since we was looking a little nervous

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just not comfortable being in high places. I don't really ride planes."

"Don't worry, Harry." I said, taking ahold of his hands "We're going to be safe. Its just a 45 minute flight." the way I held his hand sent sparks and literally bolts of electricity shooting on my own hand. So i just smiled at him and he smiled back

I rested my head on the seat and before I knew it, I fell into a quick nap.


guys, i did something stupid

remember when i first introduced laura and niall? i was supposed to write liam and not niall. some of you may be confused because niall is at ireland with hailey them he'll be with madeline and laura. im really sorry i just remembered it now. i hope u guys understand. i already edited it

ANYWAYS i hope you liked this chapter DONOT forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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