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short chapter ahead

I apologize in advance




Our food just arrived, so we dug in our food like wild animals. Especially Niall. I mean, the boy just eats and eats without getting fat. I should probably take some notes from him later on.

"So when are you planning on going to Harry's aunt's house?" Niall asked while sticking a fry to his mouth

Harry then answered, "Probably next week. We don't really want to rush things."

I looked at Harry with a shocked expression. "Harry, of course we have to rush this. It your life we're talking about!"

"Madeline, we are not sure if it will work or not. So we might as well explore the place first and cherish the moment that we have, then find the necklace. I mean, this is such a good place to have an adventure. Right Niall?" Harry expained, making Niall nod his head, still a fry on his mouth

I leaned back to my seat and gave up. I didn't really want to argue with him. Its his life after all. It just so happened that he needed my help and thought that he could trust me. So I'm doing everything I can so that he can trust me too.

"So Madeline, what have you two been doing since I left?" by this time Niall and Harry had their own conversation, and so do Hailey and I

Judging by the look on her face, she thinks that Harry and I are in a relationship. Which I highly doubt will happen anytime soon. Yes, I like him. Allot actually. But I can't have him worrying about those kind of stuff. Not yet.

"Hailey, there's nothing between us. We just, talk. About stuff."

"I didn't say anything like that." she said, smirking again. I just want to rip it out of her face. She's lucky she's my best friend

"Its obvious by the look on your face that you think there's something going on between us." I whispered for only her to hear "I'm going to tell you know that a relationship is the last thing we will be worrying about because of the current situation." I said

"Whatever you say." she said, leaning back to her seat and siping her drink from the glass. She's so stubborn

But I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be in a relationship with Harry. I just think that he won't like me. I mean, why would an angel from heaven decide to date a girl like me? And besides, I don't want him to worry about that. He has way more important things to deal with. And a very imperfect girl isn't one of them.

Once we finished our meal, Niall insisted to leave the tip. So he did and we went back to the car. Niall at the driver's seat, Hailey on the passenger's seat, Harry and I at the back.

"Hey guys, do you want to explore the city? I can drive my car around if you want. To you know, get to see the place more." Niall suggested, looking at us at the back

Harry then replied, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Don't you think?" I nodded my head, agreeing with him. Honestly whatever Harry's decision is, I agree with. Because he may or may be able to do that anymore if something bad happens. He needs to enjoy his "life".


We passed so many beautiful places. There was a very big and beautiful lake that looked like a good place to swim in. Hailey suggested that we go back there tomorrow. Which we all agreed on. There was also a very big and pretty meadow of flowers. I looked to Harry and saw that he was enjoying the trip. And so many shops and restaurants were seen in the city. Maybe we can go there one time.

I couldn't help but suddenly feel sorry for Harry. He was missing out a lot of good things. And to think that if this plan didn't work, nothing would be the same again. He may or may not be able to meet his friends or family anymore. I also thought about the people who truly miss him. I mean, who wouldn't. Harry is such a kind person. He is friendly to everyone. I bet he is loved by all people. But I wondered, did he have a girlfriend? With his kind of attitude, I do think he had one. Or two...

I shrugged the idea off and appreciated the surroundings instead. Why not savor the moment of having a very perfect man sit beside you.


suuuuuuuuper short chapter

im soooo sorry



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luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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