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important a/n after the chapter



I was kind of worrying about Harry now. He would sometimes stare blankly at a distance and not talk whenever he comes at my apartment. Like yesterday. He hardly even speaks. Unless if I have questions he wants to answer. Which happens not too often. And his face looks like it been drained because of the lack of color. I don't know if it is something related with his health but I can't go to a doctor. He doesn't want to be out in public. He is so complicated.

I was currently at work. Doing the same things over and over again. Until Angel (shes the kitchen manager if you forgot) confornted me.

"Hey Madeline, is it okay if you also take the second shift. Bianca wasn't feeling very well so she had to go early." she explained. Bianca was one of my friends who is also a waiter here

"Yeah sure. Its totally fine."

"Great! See you later then."

I went back to the kitchen to get the orders of the guests and served it to them. But as I was walking around the restaurant I spotted the same man I saw days ago. He was seated at a table alone, near a window. I was shocked because I never expected to see him again. He was eating a simple dish which was a buttered steak and potatoes with a glass of wine. His expression was the same like the last time I saw him. I just ignored him and continued working.


Hours have passed and there were only a few people eating. And one of them was 'the guy'. He finished his food earlier, got the bill but was not yet leaving. Until he was the only one left. Angel announced to us that we were already closed. So the staff were already getting their things.

"Aren't you going yet?" Laura asked, fixing her stuff

"Um not yet. There's a guy over there who hasn't left yet. I'll just let him know that we're closed now."

"Oh, okay. Well I'm going to go now so bye!" I watched as she exited the diner

I looked back at the mysterious man and walked to him. He didn't remove his eyes from the table when I was already infront of him.

"Uhh sir, we're closed already. I think you have to go now." I explained

He suddenly raised his head, green eyes staring at my brown ones.

"Can I stay here for a bit? I'm not really feeling that good."

"Uh okay. I'll just wait for you."

"You can sit."

"Oh no its fine."

"Please sit. I just want someone to talk to."

I nodded and sat down beside me.

"I'm Ben." he said, introducing himself

"I'm Madeline." I answered

"I think something's bothering you. Do you mind me asking why?" I asked, my curious self taking over me

"No its fine. It just my cousin died a few weeks ago and its been hard for me. For us. We were really close. He was like my best friend. He didn't have much friends but he was obsessed with this one girl. Its just so frustrating that a stupic car falling off of a bridge caused his death

"Was he the one in the news last week?"

"Yes he was. I was actually at their house that time with his sister when the policed called their mom and said that he died because of that accident. It was the worst feeling ever. They haven't even found the body yet. Its so devastating. One of your closest and best friend and cousin dying because of a stupid accident."

"What was his name?"

"Oh his name? Harry. Harry Styles."


dun dun dun

please dont hate me for making harry dead at this story. i promise there's a good reason behind that

oh and the important a/n is that i may only have 20-30 chapter for the story since the actuall plot was coming together already

ANYWAYS i hope u liked this chapter! don't forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we shold share love, flowers, and candies

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