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harrys cute pic above

oh and am i the only one still waiting for just cant let her go to show up in one of their albums? even though they sold it toa freaking 13 year old? haha ok



We decided to call Ben since we thought that he would be able to help us find Harry's necklace

"Madeline, I'm worried."

"Don't be. I bet he'll be happy to see you." I ressured him

I searched for his number on my contacts and stopped when I saw his name, 'Ben Selley'. I clicked on it and looked at Harry. He had a very nervous expression. I had my gaze back at my phone and clicked the 'call' button. I put the phone on my ear and waited for Ben to answer.

After a few seconds I heard a very deep voice answer the phone.


"Hey Ben, Its Madeline. The girl you met yesterday." I said, trying to remind him about yesterday

"Oh Madeline. Is there a problem? Why are you calling me?"

"Its not really a problem but I was wondering if you can come by at my apartment. I have something important to tell you." I said, looking at Harry

"Sure. Just text me your address. I'll be there in 30."

"Okay, thanks. Have a good day."

"Bye Madeline. You too."

I ended the phone call, then texted him my address. I was still looking at Harry.

"That wasn't so bad." I told him

"Yeah. It wasn't bad..." Harry said, still feeling nervous

"Harry, don't worry, okay? He will most likely feel happy that your still here. And whatever happens, I'm always here for you."

"You're right. Thank you Madeline."

"Harry, you keep saying thank you I lost count already." I said jokingly

"Its just that, you've done so much for me this day. But okay, I'll stop now."


We were currently sprawled on the couch, waiting for Ben to arrive. I guess you can say that Harry has recovered from the whole 'nervous of Ben' thing. He looked like he was really processing the things I told him earlier. Exactly 30 minutes later we heard a knocking noise coming from the front door. I looked at Harry before I told him to go to the kitchen to hide for a while.

I walked to the door (i say door too much) and opened it to see Ben ben standing before it.

"Hi Ben! Come in." I greeted

"Hey Madeline." he said while coming in before I closed the door and walked to the living room

"So you told me that you needed to tell me something important?'

I sighed and looked at Ben. "You have to promise me not to freak out."

"Uh you're kind of scaring me now."

"Let's just sit first." I said while we sat on a couch

"Look. Do you remeber what you told me yesterday?" I started

"Yes, of course. It was about my cousin Harry, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Uhh..." It seemed like wasn't able to say theright words. But I remembered that I was doing this for Harry. He trusted me. He was counting on me

"Well, I actually met him before. We would hang out sometimes." I said slowly and continued

"And I was shocked when you told me he died..."

I looked up to Ben and saw that he had a confused expression painted on his face.

"Because-" I paused but continued "I can see him."

I heard him gasp but stopped him from saying anything just yet.

"Wait, Ben. Before you freak out. Just let me explain." I said. But I can still see the terrified look he was giving me but didn't stop me from talking

"He would come here at my apartment very often. So I didn't know that he was actually dead. Until you told me yesterday. He said that he wanted to go here today to tell me things. But eventually we had the same thing on mind. He explained to me that he lost something that's why he died. He wasn't safe. And that if we find that something that he lost, he can live again. I know this sounds stupid. It was at first for me too. But if we give it a try, Harry might actually live a second life."

Ben just sat there, dumbfounded by my explanation. It was like he was trying to process the words I just told him because he was just staring blankly at nothing. He slowly turned his head up to look at me and spoke.

"Is Harry here?" he asked "Is Harry actually here now?"

"Yes he is. He's actually really looking forward to seeing you again."

I called for Harry's name, signaling him that it was time to reveal himself. He slowly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. He had his eyes only on Ben and vise versa. Both had shocked impressions, none of them knowing what to do or say. Until Harry decided that he will be the first one to speak

"Ben?" he asked, his voice breaking a little bit

"Harry? Is that really you?"

Harry nodded in respones to Ben, slowly walking towards him. Harry suddenly wrapped his cold body into a hug with Ben. While I was standing there awkwardly, but smiling to them because of their interaction. It showed that they really had a very close friendship.

I really hope that we find that necklace. It may bring Harry back to life.


hello guys

soo new update YAY!

hope u guys liked this chapter sorry for the typos

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