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i apologize in advance for the typos


H A R R Y (yay)

I was still in shock because of the fact that I was hugging Ben. I never even thought that I would be able to do this again. We stood there for minutes, just savoring the moment of being in the arms of each other. I probably sound gay but I just missed him so much. I looked up to Madeline and mouthed a 'thank you'. She smiled back to me as her reply. We pulled out from our hug, still smiling to each other.

"I can't believe its you." Ben said

"Me neither."

"We have to- no, we need to find your necklace. We need you to live again. Your parents, Harry. Your sister. They need you. They miss you."

"I know, but i think its best if you and Madeline are the only ones to know that I can still be seen." I said, looking at Madeline

"We respect your decision Harry. We're here to help you. Just tell us what to do." she replied ressuringly.

"Thank you guys again. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"No problem Haz. We'll do everything we can." he said, calling me by the nickname everyone used to call me

"Soooo how about be relax for a bit. Watch a movie maybe? We need to rest since all of us had a pretty eventfull day. And its only 11 in the morning." Madeline said, proving a point

"Yes, I agree. How 'bout you?" I asked Ben

"Yeah, totally fine with me."

"Great! So what what movie should we watch?"


We spent 2 hours just watching movies, and an additional hour for eating and talking. I was really happy that I was able to do this again. The talking, the laughing, even the eating. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to do these kind of things for long.


We just finished eating our food, putting our plates in the sink and walking back to the livingroom. We sat on the couches and started making plans about finding Harry's necklace.

"So Harry, were did your grandmother live before she died?" I asked Harry

"I remebered she lived somewhere here in England. But I forgot where exactly. Do you remeber, Ben?"

"Sorry man. I can't remeber either. It was a very long time ago."

"How about we go to your mom's house first then Ben and I will ask your mom where your grandmother lived then we go straight to your grandmother's house." I suggested

"Yeah, that's okay. But we don't really have to rush things. I mean, I'm still here, right? We can do that maybe tomorrow or the other days to come." Harry replied

"You're right. We have plenty of time."

As we were having our conversation I had an idea that Harry would probably love.

"Um Harry? Don't you think it would be nice to go to Ben's apartment and you know, have a talk. I can see that you really missed the company of each other." I said, smiling to them

"That's great! Isn't it Harry?

"Yes, I agree. So I'll just text you when I'll be coming back."

"Okay. Have fun!" I said watching them exit my apartment before closing the door.

I went upstairs towards my room with my phone. I sat on my bed and dialed a very familiar number. It took them seconds before answering the phone.


"Hey Hailey. I missed you so much."

"Oh my God Madeline!! I missed you so so so so so so much! How's life treating you?"

"Well, I'm still breathing so that's a good thing. Um still hanging out with Harry. Still working at the diner. Nothing much. How about you? How's Ireland?"

"Ohhh so you're still hanging out with Harry I see. I'm surprised that you two aren't in a relationship yet. Haha. Anyways, Ireland is so beautiful. And Niall was such a gentleman to me. I also met his mom the other day. She was so nice. And Niall's nephew was the cutest. He brought him in our apartment yesterday and he was so so cute. Cuter than Niall even." she said, while Niall shouted a 'Hey' since he might of heard her. "Its true" she shouted back

Two hours have already passed and we were still talking over the phone. I haven't gotten any messages from Harry which means he was still at Ben's. It was now the sad part of every phone call. Saying goodbye.

"I promise, Hailey. I will call again, soon. I love you soooooo much. Please please please visit me here."

"I will also try to call you. And I promise I will visit you as soon as possible. I love you too sweetie." she replied before ending the phone call

I then laid flat on my bed, my face planted over the very soft pillows. My hair scattered all over my face. I let out a very exhausted sigh. Closing my eyes trying to rest them.

What a very exhausting day


hai guys!! new update

thank u sooo much for reading this!! sooo close to 1k. I luv u guys sooo much!

i hope u liked this chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment anything

luv u guys!

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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