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I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I groaned because of the noise created but then remebered why I even set the alarm this early. I was meeting Harry. I was meeting Harry fucking Styles.

I quickly jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then I wrapped a towel on my body after the shower and picked my clothes. Since it was summer I picked out a high waisted denim shorts paired with a black muscle tee.

I went back to the bathroom to do my makeup. I was thinking of doing just a natural look so I grabbed my eyeshadow palette but luckily for me, it fell. Fuck. I bent down to grab it but when I did I saw that every single on was broken and some were even on the floor. Why now? Why? I decided that it was pointless in doing my makeup with eyeshadow so I just used foundation and blush with a little bit of mascara.

I checked my appearance one last time and went out of the bathroom. I checked the clock and saw that it was 8:15 am. 75 minutes before meeting Harry. Yes I am over exaggerating.

I decided to leave around 8:30 am since Starbucks wasn't that far from our apartment.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to be greeted by Hailey.

"Goodmorning Made- Woah! You look stunning! Looks like someone's going on a date?"

"Good morning to you too Hailey. And no, I'm not going on a date. I'm just going to meet up with a boy I met yesterday at the bookstore"

"Wait you met someone at a bookstore? And that someone is a he?" she asked shockingly since she knows that I don't socialize with people. Let alone boys.

"Its not like its such a big deal. We just want to know each other more. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less." I stated

"Hmm whatever you say. So you'll be heading now?"

"Yeah. I'll be back before lunch time. Bye Hailey."

"Okay I'll cook something for us in a bit. Bye!"

I opened the door and walked my way to the place where I'll be meeting Harry for the second time


I entered the very famous coffee shop and looked around to see if Harry was there. Probably not. I mean its only 9 am right? Wrong. He was seated at a booth near the window while using his phone.

I started panicking and worrying because I didn't know what I was supposed to say when I get there. I feel like I'll just make a fool out of myself which is definately not okay.

I did a bunch of curssing before I actually approached Harry's table.

When I was infront of him he looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Hey Madeline come take a seat. I'm so glad you came." he said encouraging me to take a seat

"Its no problem! I'm happy that I got to see you again." I replied smilling like an idiot

"So I'll get our orders now. What do you like?"

"No its fine I'll go with you." I said while standing from my seat

"No, my treat. I think its fair enough to treat a person you invited." he said smirking

"Oh okay. I'll just get whatever you're having."

"Sure." he simply said while standing from his seat and walking towards the cashier

I sat alone. So many thoughts running in my head. Why was I so comfortable around him? Its like I've known him for so long even if I just met him yesterday. I don't even know a single thing about him exept his name!

I'm just silently hoping that I'll be able to trust the right person


i actually wrote a part of this chapter at starbucks hahaha okay

hope you liked this crappy chapter please vote and comment

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

Trust ✓ | harry styles Where stories live. Discover now