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"Do you have any siblings?"

"Any pets?"

"Where did you live before moving here?"

"What's your grandmothers name?"

Those were just some of the questions being thrown at me by Harry. He came here about 20 minutes ago and now we were asking each other the most random questions we can think of.

"Okay how about we do something else. This is kind of boring already." I complained

"How about we watch tv?"

We sat on the couch and turned the tv on. We ended up watching the news. Again.

"Police have finally gotten answers for the accident that happened last week, July 12 2015. They said that there was only one passenger who is name-"

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab the remote from me and quickly changed the channel.


"What?" he repied as if he did nothing

"I was watching the news!"

"But the news is boriiiiiiiiiing. Let's watch this instead." he whined

I looked back at the television and saw that Titanic was being played. No no no no no. I can't fucking cry infront of Harry. He'll think I'm a crazy loser. Which I actually am. But I decided not to argue further with him. So we continued watching the very sad yet romantic movie


You may say that there was alot of crying during the movie. And Harry was non stop at teasing me.

"Aw don't cry Madeline. Its over." he said, still making fun of me

"Shut up. Atleast I unserstand the movie. That's why I'm crying."


"You're a jerk."

"A good looking jerk." he said, smirking at me

"You're so arrogant."

"You love me."

I was taken back for a second but then we continued.

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

"You're an asshole."

"Okay, okay I get it now, let's stop this. This is just stupid." he said giving up

"But we have to agree that you are infact an asshole."

"Ughh yes I admit. I'm an asshole. Happy?"

"Very." I said, laughing

"I'm hungry." Harry said, whining again

"Do you wanna order pizza?"

"Yes please."

I took my phone out and dialed the nearest pizza parlor which was Yellow Cab and ordered one box of peperoni and cheese pizza. It took them about half an hour to get here with our food and I cannot be happier than that. My insides were literally screaming for joy.

Harry and I were enjoying our slice, well, slices of pizza while we were once again having a very pointless conversation. But when I have my gaze on Harry, its seems like there's something going on. But I just brushed it away.

Maybe it was the fact that I was slowly liking him?

Or maybe not?


This was like the shortest chapter ever and im really sorry guys :(( i promise the next chapters will be longer

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harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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