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very very very important a/n after this chapter



I was happy that I get to spend my time with Harry. They were right when they said that time flies when you're having fun. Because before I knew it, we were about to go to the house of Harry's aunt.

The past days were fun. We got to spend more time with each other more, and we went to many different places with Niall and Hailey.

All of us were packed in the car since Niall and Hailey wanted to tag along. Harry gave Niall the address from the paper Anne gave us from the past. Harry looked like he had so many things on his head. I couldn't blame him.

So many things have been happening to him and he was trying to distract himself by spending time with us. Yes, he was waiting for this time to come. But he was worried that this plan wouldn't work. He wouldn't be able to see his friends, or even his family.

"What do you think will happen once this plan works?" Hailey whispered for only me to hear

"I don't know, honestly. I want to give him time to meet with people. I don't even know if he'll still want to spend time with me."

With all those thoughts in my mind I didn't even notice the car stopped in front of a cottage looking house. Niall and Hailey wanted to stay in the car so Harry and I got out and walked towards the front door. Harry rang the doorbell while we were waiting for someone to answer.

We heard someone fiddling with the door knob before the door opened. There stood a lady which I was guessing was Harry's "aunt Clarisse".

"Hi Harry!" she greeted

"Hi aunt Clarisse. This is Madeline, my friend. I hope you don't mind me bringing her along with me."

"Friend". Okay then. I'll roll with that.

"No, no. Not at all."

We were invited inside the very beautiful home. She made us sit with her at the dining room. "Do you two like anything to drink?" she asked. We all shrugged our heads in reply.

"I'm so happy you got to visit me Harry. But..." Harry's aunt said, her face suddenly turning serious. "I know why you're here." Both of us were shocked. Anne told us that she didn't know Harry was dead. So how?

"Listen, Harry. I know the reason why you're grandmother gave you the necklace. She knew you were going to die. She was a fortune teller." She started. "She had a best friend that was also a fortune teller that gave her the necklace. Both of them had the same one. Until her best friend had cancer. She gave that to your grandmother since she predicted that you will be needing it. Before your grandmother died, she gave me one of the necklaces. She knew that you'll be visiting me and will be needing this."

"So, you're saying that I will live again?"

"Yes. You'll be able to meet your family and friends again."

"Oh my gosh Harry, that's incredible!" I exclaimed

Once that was settled, we had a short chat about stuff that's been happening since the accident. She thanked me for helping Harry through out the events that happened and for guiding him here.


"Thank you so much Madeline. For helping Harry. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have thought of living again. Thank you."

"Its no problem. I am glad that I helped him."

"Um Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" Clarisse asked

"Yeah. Of course." he replied

"I'll wait in the car, Harry. Thank you Clarisse for being so nice to us. I hope to see you soon." I said

"You too, sweetie." she said, smiling

I walked towards the car and entered. "Where's Harry?" Niall asked. "Oh, Clarisse wanted to talk to him."

Minutes later Harry was seen leaving the house. He went in the car and sat on his previous seat. I decided not to ask about what Clarisse told him because that will be so nosy of me. I saw Harry holding the necklace. It was securely placed on his palm. I wonder why he didn't want to wear it yet.


We arrived back at Niall's house. Harry and I going to our room. We put our things on the nightstand and sat on our bed.

"Don't you want to put the necklace on?" I asked, confused

"No. I want to wait till we get back at your apartment. I want it to be just us."

"Oh okay."

It was weird. He wanted to wear his necklace once we were back in England. If I were him, I would've worn the necklace right away. But that's what I liked about him. He was different in his own ways


there will only be 2-3 chapters left

i am really sorry if you expected for more chapters

this is the first book i was serious in finishing so i really had a hard time and decided to make this into a short story. also because i always have writers block.

but if you want i am currently writing another story which is "balcony" please check it out

hope u liked this chapter please vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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