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^^^ otrat memories huhu pcd

if you give harry solo dms please give me one :( my user is ancientnxrry

ok onto the story



It was the next day which means we will be going to the house of Harry's mom to talk to her. But Ben and Harry discovered something yesterday. Happily, everyone can see Harry. They didn't realize that they were talking to each other along the way to Ben's and none of the people looked at them weirdly which means that they can see Harry like a normal living person. Which also made us decide to eat at KFC. ( i mean why not ) We were happily chewing on our chicken for the rest of the hour until we finished eating and walked towards the car that will lead us back to Harry's mom's house.

Along the way, Harry and Ben were singing, well, it looked like they were screaming the lyrics of a song I didn't know. Which made it worse for us because the windows were rolled down that made it attract people's attention. Which also is a result of them giving us weird looks. But the two didn't care. And that's what I like about them. They didn't care about what other people think.

It was a 1 hour drive to Harry's old home. They were still non stop at singing which I suprisingly didn't mind. The said house was now in our sight and before we knew it, we were now standing infront of a very lovely home.

"Harry, I think it would be best if you stayed in the car. Ben and I have this under control. And your mom might freak out when she sees you." I said to him

"Yeah. I'm fine with that." he replied. But it was obvious that he was disapointed because he wouldn't be able to see his mom, sister, and stepdad

"We'll be quick, Harry." Ben said, walking towards the front door with me following

He knocked on the door thrice before stepping back a bit and waiting for someone to open the door. It didn't take long until we heard the door being unlocked and and opened. And there stood a very lovely looking lady.

"Hi Ben! Its nice to see you again. And who may be this very pretty girl over here?" she said, not seeming bothered for his nephew bringing a stranger in her home unexpectedly.

"Oh, this is Madeline. She's my friend. I just wanted to ask something about aunt Clarisse. I wanted to tell her something. And I hope you don't mind Madeline tagging along." Ben explained. And it looked like Harry's mother, Anne, treated Ben like her son. I mean Harry and Ben have many similarities from what I can see. So I'm not surprised.

"Oh no no, not at all. Come in, come in!" she said, inviting us in

We stepped inside a very beautiful looking home and was encouraged by Anne to go to the kitchen to have tea with her.

"Here you go. Madeline, Ben. Its a good thing I made tea on the right time!" she said, Ben and I replying with a simple 'thank you'

"So Ben, what did you want to ask me about?"

"I was wondering where aunt Clarisse lived with our grandmother. I just wanted tell her something personally."
he said since aunt Clarisse lived with their grandmother

"Oh. Well, she moved to Ireland after your grandmother died. She lives there for almost ten years."

"Do you know the exact address?"

"Yeah. Hold up. Let me get a paper and a pen." Anne said, standing up from her seat and went to look for a pen and paper while ben muttered a 'thank you'

"She's really nice." I said, my head moving towards him

"Yeah, she is. She's a very kind person to everyone she meets. I guess we know where Harry got his kindness from." he replied which was true

Anne returned minutes later holding a pen and a short piece of paper. She walked towards us, seating back to her seat.

"I already wrote the address there. Here you go. If you have any questions about that, just give me a call." Anne said, handing Ben the paper

"Thank you so much aunt Anne. So we'll be going now. I still have to book a flight to Ireland. Thank you for the tea."

"Oh, its no problem. Just visit anytime you want." she said reassuringly "And its nice to meet you, Madeline."

"Its nice to meet you too, Anne. You were so nice to me. Thank you."

"You too."

We stood from our chairs and exited the kitchen to go back to the front door. But Anne stopped us before we can step out.

"Wait!" she said

"Ben, can you tell aunt Clarisse about- " she cut herself off before speaking again "About Harry. She still doesn't know about it."

"Sure. I'll do that."

"Thank you. Goodbye! Have a safe way back home!"

"Thank you Anne!" we said in union, heading back to the car which was not far away

We opened the door and sat on out seats while Harry was looking at us with a questioning face.

"Well?" he asked

"Apparently aunt Clarisse moved to Ireland. That's why we never here anything about her."

"I know someone who lives in Ireland. My former roommate lives there with her boyfriend, Niall." I said. Which made Harry literally jump from his seat

"Wait. Is that Niall a Niall Horan?"

"Yes. He is. Why'd you ask?"

"I know him. We used to be in a band when we were in highschool. He moved back to Ireland for college."

"That's great! There will be more people to help. It will make it easier for us to find the necklace."

"It is. So we should probably go back to yours, Madeline, to book our flight." Ben stated


The trip going back to my apartment was silent. Not an awkward silent. It was obvious that all of us were thinking of different ways to get the necklace. With Ben's eyes focused on the road, I can see that we were approaching my house.

Once we arrived, we all unbuckled our seat belts, went out and was about to go in the apartment until Ben's phone started ringing

"Hello?" he said

"What?!?" he suddenly shouted, Harry and I giving him concerned looks

"O-okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." he said, ending the call

"Harry, Madeline, I'm very very sorry but I think I wouldn't be able to go with you. My dad just called and said that my brother was rushed to the hospital. I'm really sorry guys. Here, take the paper. I have to go." he said, trying to speak quickly

"We'll go with you!" Harry protested ( no not jimmy. if u get what i mean )

"No Harry. Stay here. You have to go to Ireland as soon as possible. I can take care of myself."

"Okay Ben. Stay safe. My prayers are with your brother." I said

"Thank you guys. But I have to go now."

We watched as Ben rushed to his car, turned the engine on, and drove his way to the hospital. Harry and I were too shocked because of the many things happening this day.

"Let's go in, Harry."

We went inside the house, went straight to the living room, and sat there silently. None of us knowing what to do. All are happening too soon. This is like a dream. A dream thatI would never want to stop.

Because all of these are for Harry


this is a long chapter ok. youre welcome

i hope u liked this chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry styles is hot

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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