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sarreh 4 da typos



Its been a very exhausting day and all we did after going to Anne's house was to book a flight to Ireland. I haven't talked to Hailey yet so she didn't know that I was coming.

"So our flight leaves on Thursday, 11:00 am?" Harry asked, making sure he got the details right

"Yup." I said, checking the clock which said that it was now 7:42 pm

"Hey do you want to eat? Its kind of late now."

"Uh yeah, sure." he replied

I decided to cook a simple chicken fillet with mashed potaoes. Less than an hour later, I was done preparing our food. I called for Harry and we started eating.

We ate in silence. Our spoon and forks meeting our plates creating sounds here and there. Nobody decided to speak throughout the meal. I didn't really know why.

We finished our meals minutes later, making me place the dishes on the dishwasher, leaving it to do its job. Harry still sat back on one of the stools, looking at nothing in particular. I walked towards him giving him a concerned look.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired." he replied

"Can I stay here for the night? I think I won't be able to go back to my house." he said, surprising me

"Su-sure. Yeah. You can sleep in my room. I'll just take Hailey's old one."

"Uh it may sound weird but- uhh, can you stay with me? I just don't feel like being alone at the moment."

I stood there shocked but tried my best not to make a face that would make Harry think that I didn't want him sleeping on the same bed as I am. I just think it would be so awkward having a guy sleep on my bed. Which never happened.

"No, I understand. Its fine. Don't worry."

"Thank you so much. You've done so many things for me, even if you didn't need to. Thank you." he said

I smiled and nodded to him, going up the stairs and to my room with him behind me. I got my clothes from my closet and told Harry that he can lie on the bed and rest, before I went to the bathroom. After washing my face, brushing my teath, and changing, I walked back to my room to see a sleeping Harry. But what made my eyes literally fall from its sockets was when I saw him in only his boxers. But I remembered that he didn't have any clothes to change into. This is so awkward.

I sat on my bed, admiring his very beautiful face. His soft snores making me giggle because of how cute he was. I cannot believe how lucky I was meeting Harry. He was so nice, kind, polite, and very friendly. I just wished that he knew how special he was for his family. I pictured him being the source of laughs in his family and friends.

I lied down beside him. My face facing his back. Thinking about the nice things he had done to me as I fell a dreamless sleep.


I woke up the next morning, seeing an angel beside me. He was still sleeping from what I can see because of the soft snores coming out from his mouth. I jumped out of bed, deciding to cook is breakfast.

I went to the bathroom first to remove the bun I created on my hair that resulted to having a very wavy hair. I then washed my face and brushed my teeth then proceeded to the kitchen.

I went to the fridge to get two eggs and the bacon. I placed them on the counter near the stove while I got the pan from one of the cupboards. I greased the pan with butter and cracked the first egg. I placed strips of bacon beside the now sunny side up egg. I then cracked another egg after the first batch was finished. After, I created a pancake batter and sprinkled some mini chocolate chips.

When everything was cooked, I put them on two plates and placed them over the counter table. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and saw Harry. His hair was a little messy and he wore only his jeans from yesterday. His eyes were half open which made me laugh silently.

"Good Morning Harry! Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Thanks again for making me stay." his morning voice saying those words making my inside melt

"Don't mention it." I relied "Here, let's eat. I made bacon and eggs with chocolate chip pancakes."

"Sounds good."

He walked towards the counter and sat on one of the stool like me. We dug into our food, the bacon melting in my mouth from every bite. I tried my best not to moan because of the deliciousness found in the food, so that Harry wont think of me weirdly. We happily ate our food until there was nothing left on our plate. We left our dishes in the dishwasher and walked towards the living room.

"Hey, I think I might be going home now. I still have to pack my things for tomorrow." he said, making me remember to pack too

"Sure, yeah. I have to pack my stuff too. So see you tomorrow? I'll pick you up around 7. We have to leave early so we won't miss our flight."

Harry nodded, saying goodbye, as I watched him exit the apartment. I went back upstairs to pack my stuff for tomorrow's trip.



this was probably just a filler so sorry guys

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luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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