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i was listening to fetus 1d songs :((((


i dedicate this chapter to aerisyohan :)) thank you for always voting



The flight was short, maybe around 42 minutes long. By the time we landed, Madeline was still asleep. People started getting off of the plane. I scooted a little closer to her and shook her hand.

"Madeline, wake up."

"Wha?" she said, her eyes slowly opening

"We landed. We're in Ireland now."

"Oh, thanks."

I nodded as she replied. We grabbed are backpacks and stood from our seats before exiting the plane. We walked towards the inside of the airport too get our suitcases back and grabbed a cart for that. We went straight outside, excited to see our friends again.

A cab stopped in front of us in a cab stop and we placed our things in the trunk and got in. I told the driver the direction to Niall's house. It was a 30 minute drive so it didn't take long. I looked over to Madeline and saw that she had a really excited look on her face. We got out of the vehicle once we stopped right in front of the house. We payed the driver, got our stuff, and watch the cab go.

We stood in front a not so big but not so small home. I held Madeline's hand and she seemed surprised but shrugged it off.

"Are you ready? Its been a long time since you saw Hailey." I asked

"Hell yes. Are you ready? Its been years since you last saw Niall."

"Of course. I miss him." I answered "Shall we go?" she nodded in reply

I rang the doorbell when we were in front of the door. I stepped back and waited for somebody to answer. A few seconds later, we heard footsteps coming from the inside of the house and someone fiddling the door. It swung open and revealed a young lad who so happened to be one of my best mates.

"Harry, lad. You're here! Its nice to finally see you again." he greetes me, inviting me into a manly hug

"Hi Madeline. Its nice to see you again also."

She smiled and replied, "You too."

"Let's go in, shall we? Oh, and Madeline, Hailey's upstairs in our room. You can go there since she doesn't know you guys are here. Our room is the first one you'll see once you go up."

"Thanks Niall." she answered, going up the stairs once we entered

"So, how have you been? Are you still writing songs?" he asked

"Um yeah, sometimes. But I'm not really seriou-" I was suddenly cut off by a very loud scream

"AAAHHHHHH MADELINE!!!!" I'm guessing Hailey, screamed

"I guess they really missed each other."

"I bet."

"Why don't we head upstairs and I show your room?" Niall suggested

"Yeah. Sounds good."

We went upstairs and saw Hailey and Madeline hugging each other. When they saw us, they seperated from each other and Hailey slapped Niall's arm.

"Hey! What was that for?" Niall said, rubbing his now red arm

"Why didn't you tell me? Huh? Didn't you want me to know that my best friend will visit?"

"I wanted to surprise you, babe. You didn't have to slap me."


I looked over to Madeline and saw that she was very amused because of the couple in front of us, fighting.

"Ugh Hailey. You're so difficult." Niall playfully said. But Hailey gasped loudly meaning she didn't get it "Let's just show them their room."


Wait. Did Niall say room? As in singular, room? Meaning one room? Harry and I will be staying at the same room for 2 weeks? Well, I don't mind since he has a hot bo- stop. Stop it Madeline. I'm talking to myself again. I'm crazy. Oh my god can i just sto-

"Hey, Madeline. You coming?" Harry asked. I didn't even realize I zoned out for a minute

"Yeah, yeah."

We followed Niall as he walked in the hallway. They had two bathrooms, one mini library, one music room, and one extra room. I liked their house.

"I hope you don't mind staying in together. We only have one extra room." Niall explained

"I bet Madeline doesn't mind..." I hear Hailey whisper. I widen my eyes at her and saw Harry slightly smirking

"Oh, I don't mind. Do you?" Harry asked me. The smirk still visible on his face.

"No. Its fine." now both Harry and Hailey were smirking at me

"Great! We'll leave you two to unpack your stuff. Just call us if you need any help. Then after, we'll all go out to have lunch." Hailey said

"Okay. Thank you guys." I said while Harry and I got our stuff downstairs.

Harry and I had two closets each, so we took care of our own stuff. It didn't take long for us to finish. We told Niall and Hailey that we were done so we headed out and got in Niall's car to look for some place to eat.


I guess it was a bad idea explaining Harry's "condition" while Niall was driving. Harry and i decided to tell them what happened to him. But when we did, we almost got hit by a very big truck loaded with chickens. I don't know why there were chickens but I don't care about that. We almost got killed! Even worse for Harry because it would've been his second time.

The rest of the car ride was Harry being bumbarded with question from both Niall and Hailey, until we stopped at a local diner. All of us got out of the car once Niall parked the vehicle, then we went inside.

A waiter led us to our table and left us for a few minuted for us to decide what to order. She came back with a pen and a notepad, ready to write what we'd like to eat.

We all ended up ordering the same thing. And while waiting for our food, we had all had a little chat.


omg guys i just reached 904 reads. 96 more reads and ill reach 1k . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

I would also like to thank the people who are constantly reading and voting for this story. because of you guys i already have 81 votes. even if some of my friends are the ones voting :))) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

hope you liked this chapter dont forget to vote and comment

luv u all

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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