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I woke up after my very long nap and sat on my bed. I checked my clock and saw that it was 1:00 pm. Wow. Hailey didn't even wake me up to have dinner.

I went down to the kitchen to see if I'll be able to eat something and saw there was some chinese. Aww Hailey remebered me. So I grabbed that and went to the living room to eat. I grabbed the remote while sitting on the couch and turned the tv on.

As I was watching I heard buzzing noises coming from my phone. I picked it up and checked who was texting me in the middle of the night. And the name shocked me. It was Harry.

Why would he possibly text me at 1:30 in the morning?

"You probably won't see this until tomorrow but I wanted to say hi." the text said

Wait who gets up early moring to say hi? To a person you just met may I add.

"No I'm actually awake. Hiii :))" I replied

"Yay! I was just wondering if you wanted to go out maybe later? If you're free. To you know, get to know you more since you seem like a fun person. If its okay with you though."

Was this real life? A boy wanting to go out with me? Well not on a date but still. This is like heaven flashing before my eyes.

"Yeah sure! Just text me the place and time." I am literally fangirling right now

"Sweet! How about at Starbucks? Around 9:30?"

"That's fine with me :)) Sooo I'll see you later?"

"Thank you so much! See you later babe."

Did he call me babe? DID HE FUCKING CALL ME BABE? AGAIN? Okay Madeline chill. Keep calm. Its just a boy. Okay. Phew.

Once I calmed down a bit I finished my food, turned the tv off, then went back upstairs. I changed my clothes to a tank top and sweats then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After everything was done I set my alarm to 7:00 am to make sure that I'll wake up early and meet Harry on time. Why am I even stressing about this? I mean its not a date. And I should remind myself not to trust this boy right away. After that I lied down on my bed to sleep for the second time this day.


the pic of harry above was when they had their concert here in the philippines. he returned from the break wearing a man bun. he is so hot

ANYWAYS hope u liked this chapter please vote and comment

harry said we should share love, flowers, and candies

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