Chapter 19

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Chapter 19-

Cecilia's POV:

I was furious.Pissed beyond my mind.I can't believe this.I thought I could trust him.I was mad at the fact that my son-the thing I hold dearest in my life- could have died.But I also feel like breaking down and crying.I felt upset and hurt that Max did this.He was supposed to watch my child-no. Our child.I hit the steering wheel hard and bit my lp as a tear escaped.

"Way to go,Cecilia...this is why you don't trust people.Especially with stuff you care about."I muttered.

"You know you love him."A voice inside my head said.

"What?"I asked myself aloud.

"Great now I'm talking to myself.I'm going insane."I sighed.

"You love Max.You always did.Not because of his amazing good looks,or those rock hard abs,or the amazing arms.But because he is charming,funny,smart,kind and a huge gentlemen,You tried to live without him but eventually you couldn't."

"I can find someone else."

"If you do that you will always regret it.And you know yourself that house he bought over looking the water?He bought it for you because he knows how much you love the quiet scenery and the view."

"Okay so what if he did?I'm still not going to let him live through this."

"So you leave and go back to Alaska?Live in your apartment alone?With Caleb?Instead you can be out here.Go back to soccer.Let Caleb have his father-who he already loves-Let alone you will be happy because you love him."

"Caleb will be happy?"I asked.

"Of course!His father and mother star soccer players...together and who knows?Possibly more siblings on the way."I blushed deeply by what she-I.Meant.

"It may not go that far."

"You want it to."My head said.

"But still.I'm so angry!I just want to punch him and kick him and then go eat a tub of ice cream and cry."

"So do that!Just don't throw this away so fast.It's his first time with a child too.Give him a chance."

I sighed and sped up driving.

Max's POV:

"Where are you taking him?"I asked the nurse as they laid Caleb on the stretcher and walked down the hallway.

"They are taking him to the ER Mr.Andrews.He will be fine.Why don't you go take a seat?"The nurse said lightly holding me back.I didn't push against her.I sighed sadly but when and sat away from everybody in the waiting area.I ran my hands through my hair as Stella sat beside me.

"I'm"She said.

"It's not your fault Stells.I should have watched him better."

"Dad.Stop blamming yourself.This is technically your first time at a child.Caleb is not mine and Stephen's age."

"Cecilia is going to kill me."

"She will be pissed but...she will forgive you."

"How are you so sure?"

"Dad...Cecilia has been my best friend since grade school.I know everything about her and she knows everything about me and one thing I know about that she cannot hold a grudge,especially towards the people she loves."She said.

"Are you my mother now Stella?"

"No I'm your daughter that wasn't born exactly the right way...But I know things.I'm not all smart,beautiful,sports and stuff.I know things about people's feelings."

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