Chapter 13

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AN:Sorry it took me soooooo loooonnnngggg to update.I have been busy with school and I have been tired and my doctor said "Yo you have asthma you have to go to this special asthma camp to help deal with sports and you need to take these three puffers three times a day."And then I was sitting their and I was like "Yo...what the fuck!This is lame I play hockey and softball and lacrosse and I surf so what the hell is this?"Okay well I didn't really say that but it was close to it haha.

So considering I have to go to this asthma-sports-dealing-camp to help me to learn to breathe properly as I play sports and they also get me back on track to start running again because I haven't went for a run in about three weeks which is angering me because I love running.

So I am pretty sad so this chapter may be kind of mean and rude.But it will be more about Cecilia and Max because I made a name for them...Melia...I don't know if it's a name but I made it up.So get at me!

haha I'm just joking...XD

Chapter 13-


Cecilia's POV:

"Okay.Mommy has to go to work now.Stay here.You have your colouring and your books and your toys and look what I got for you!Grilled cheese,fries and veggies."I smiled laying his favourite food on the couch Caleb was sitting on.He was two years and three months old.After I began modelling I moved into a house out by the water,Caleb was attending Pre-school and he was the cutest thing ever.He had blonde hair that I always spiked up.He had bright blue eyes and pale skin.He was going to be a total heart breaker.

"Veggies,Cheesy and Fries?"He asked surprised starring at me showing all of his white straight teeth.

"Yes baby.Mommy is just going to be over there."I cooed kissing his forehead.I walked over sitting in the chair as my make up artist-Kelly-did my make up.

"Caleb is becoming such a cutie."She smiled dabbing powder onto my face.

"I know.I keep telling myself he is going to be a heart breaker."I laughed.I kept small contact with Stella.She wasn't pleased with me still so she called once a month to say hi and such but Stiles called three times a week.I haven't heard from Max.Well I have but not from actually him.I have seen him on the tv and honestly...he looked a little rough.he always looked tired and hungover.His blue eyes were dull and he just looked lifeless.

That wasn't from me though.

He doesn't care about me.

I was attending University studying Sociology.I had one more year to go and as for modelling...I was doing well.Infact my partner for my family modelling was a cutie.his name was Brighton James.

"Ah there is the ray of sunshine."Brighton said walking away from the cameras and up to me.

"Ray of sunshine now?Yesterday I was your sparkle of light."I laughed.

"You're something new everyday,Cece."He chuckled.

"Everyone I have big news!"Angelina said happily standing in front of everyone.People listened intently.

"We all know the soccer cup thing is this weekend right?"Angelina was never into sports...

"Well to present the cup the president of the MLS has picked one model from our agency and that is...Cecilia Johnston!"She said happily pointing to me.People turned to me and clapped and cheered.Wait...the cup?Max's team is playing...He's captain?

I guess you can't run from your past?


I arrived in Vancouver with Caleb and we were at the stadium early.

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