Chapter 14

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AN: Once again so long to update because now the asthma thing is under control but I have been having some personal issue's again which is involving me to go to multiple doctors...God I am so messed up ^.^ Anyways here is the chapter a lot of you have been waiting for.I hope you enjoy it!And I am so sorry that it took me a while to do :D

Chapter 14-

Cecilia's POV:

Max took me to a new fancy restaurant and got a seat by the window that over looked the city.It was beautiful at night and I missed it dearly.

"How have you been?"He asked after our waiter took our drink orders.

"Fine."I answered not meeting his eyes.I can't believe I agreed to do this.Or fall in love with this guy in total.He sighed unhappily and I felt my heart drop.After all he did I had a soft spot for him.And he did try to make it up to me.

"Everything is fine,Max.Everything is going well.How have you been?"I asked.He flashed me a gorgeous white smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you.And I guess things could be better."

"How so,superstar?"I asked confused.He had everything he could want.Two kids.One training over sea,the other training here and attending university.He had all the money in the world,He had it all.

"Past two years have been rough."

"No one was stopping you from finding me."

"Actually one person was and she is sitting across from me."He was right I had tried my best so he wouldn't find me.

"What can I get for the two of you?That is if your ready to order."He ordered for both of us knowing what I would want and the waitress sent him a flirtatious smile before leaving.Couldn't blame her.He was single,good looking,and all of the above.

"Fine I guess I shouldn't have been such a total bitch."I sighed.

"You weren't a total bitch.You were young and didn't know what to do and that felt like the best option."

"It was the best option."I snapped.

"How?Working at a diner?"He asked.

"Working at a diner.Meeting my real mother and father and four younger brothers and doing it all by myself.Caleb is fine and I am fine.We are doing pretty well."

"I would have helped Cecilia."

"I'm not saying you wouldn't have.But I got great oppurtunities doing it by myself."

"You are doing very well for your self."

"Thank you."I smiled taking a sip of my wine.The rest of the dinner we talked aimlessly with actually no arguments.We talked like adults which was nice,the closest I have been to a fancy restaurant with a nice guy has been going to Denny's with Caleb.

He's my little man.

I let Max pay the bill without arguing.

And he drove me back to his old house to pick up Caleb.He bought a new house that was in seclusion.

Caleb was sleeping soundly as Stella watched TV next to him.

"Thank you,Stella.I appreciate it."She sighed and smiled.

"I'm always here for you,Cecilia.No matter what."I smiled and cuddled Caleb into my arms.

"Do you know any good hotels around here?"I asked Max as I buckled Caleb into his car seat.

"Why don't you stay at my place?I have a lot of guest rooms."

"I don't know if that is such a good idea,Max."I said nervously running a hand through my hair.

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