Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-

Cecilia's POV:

"Oh my God...look at him.He is such a cutie."Stella said touching Caleb's cheek.Her and Stiles were over since Stephen was training in Australia and Stiles didn't have a girlfriend because his parents were strict on dating while he was still in school and apparently Max had "Important soccer things" to do.

"You look just like your mommy."She cooed picking him up.He did look a lot like me,except he had blonde blonde hair and bright blue cobalt eyes.Luckily all his facial features were like mine so she didn't expect anything.

"You still won't tell me who the father is?"She asked.

"If I do.You'll get angry."I said.I met Stiles' eyes and he nodded approvingly for me to continue.It was there only day here.It's not like I am going back right?And it is what it is.her father is the father of my child.

"Try me."She smiled.

"His name...starts with an "M"."I said.Stiles face palmed himself and shook his head.

"Matthew from homeroom?"She asked in disbelief.

"He doesn't go to our school...But you know him.Really well."I said

"I know him...and his name starts with M..."She said thinking.

"Well that only leaves Mason...and my dad."She said looking at me oddly.

"I will give you a hint,Stella...It's not Mason."Stiles said.Stella's eyes literally popped out of her head.She looked from Caleb to me and then back to Caleb.

"This child is my half brother!?"She said shocked.Her face hurt me.she looked disappointed,sad,angry,frustrated,confused and many other things.I didn't want this to happen.I just wanted things back to the way they were.

"Uhm...I...Uh...I...yea..."She said setting Caleb back down softly and grabbing her jacket and bag.She grabbed her keys and began heading for the door.

"Stella wait..."I called.

"No"She turned and there were tears in her eyes.

"I'm your best friend,Cecilia.We were like sisters." She said as tears dripped from her eyes.

"We are sisters."I whispered.

"No.Sisters don't have sex with their father's and get pregnant and not say anything!"She snapped.She gave me one last look and stormed out the door.Stiles rubbed my back soothingly.

"Don't worry,Cece.She'll get over it."

"No.She won't."I whispered looking at the open door,

"She will.I will call you Cece and if you need help with anything.Don't be afraid to ask."He said giving me a tight hug.He kissed my head and then smiled before closing the door.I ran over to the window looking out to see stella gripping the steering wheel tightly.she was fuming.Just then Caleb began to cry.

"Feeding time,baby?"I asked picking him up to go get his bottle.

Stella's POV:

"Stella what are you going to do?"Stiles asked as I slammed on the brakes in my driveway.Oh I had a bone to pick with someone.I don't care if he was my father he was acting like a child.And that wasn't right what he did to Cecilia...he knew all this time and said nothing to me.he saw me crying and sad and he did nothing.Instead he just brought home supermodels.

I went up to the door.

"Hello Stella."James the doorman said.I didn't say anything and he opened the door.I smelt coffee and I stomped into the kitchen where he sat at the table with his head on his arms.

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