Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-

Cecilia's POV:

I sighed sitting down on the chair's they had brought out and I pulled out my phone.Only two days and I was going insane.I have never been this long away from Caleb nor this far away.We had started for over in Newfoundland and Labrador.I unlcoked my phone hoping Max texted me something or maybe he would call me.He said he would try twice a day but...I was going insane.

"You need to relax girl."Melanie said sitting down.

"I can't.All I keep thinking about is Caleb."I sighed.

"Isn't he with Max?The hot soccer player and the father?"She said dreamily.


"So why don't you trust him?"

" trust..him."I said hesitantly.Did I trust him with my child?Well it is his child too.

"That wasn't very convincing.You would be fine if you trusted him.You would be sad about being away from Caleb but nothing like this girl."She said.

"I do trust him...kinda..."

"Your only twenty two,hun.You got lots of time.Don't fret."She laughed touching my hair soothingly yet in a jokingly way.I smiled and she walked away.

"Johnston let's go,babycakes."Our make up artist said.His name was Roberto and he played for the same..."team" if you catch my drift.And if you don't well I will tell you.

He is about as straight as a curly straw...

Meaning he is gay.

Max's POV:

"Daddy?"Caleb asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Yea?"I asked.

"When is mommy coming home?"

"Soon,kid."I said pouring him a cup of orange juice.

"Here you go,kid.What do you want for breakfast?"

"Strawberries!"He said.

"Easy buddy.Mommy said you were about...pancakes?"

"Okay..."He said in a sad voice sitting down.As we made pancakes he asked me what we were going to do today.

"I have a game today.So your going to sit with Stella and Jackson."

"Whos that?"He asked.

"Stella is your big sister and Jackson is her boyfriend."

"A sister?Whats that?"

"She is my daughter."

"Oh!I know."He said giggling for some reason.I got him dressed after breakfast and we went out to my car.I buckled him into the car seat and drove to the stadium.Stella and Jackson wouldn't be here until closer till the gamer started.I thought I get here a bit early to kick the ball around with him for a bit.

I helped him out of the car and held his hand going into the arena.I couldn't get over how small he was.I know I have two kids but this is the first legit kid.

"Where we going?"He asked.

"I'm going to get dressed first.Then we can kick around the ball for a bit okay?"

"Okay!"He said happily.We walked into the dressing room and I turned on the lights.The place was empty except for the coaching staff who were off doing things.I got dressed quickly as he held the ball tightly.

"Your shirt is blue!"He said happily.

"It is.Good job kid."I chuckled ruffling his light blonde hair.We went out to the field where he tossed the ball on the ground and ran after it.He kicked it towards the net and it slowly rolled in.

We played for a while until the team began to walk in.

"What are you doing,Andrews?Trying to be a better father?"Tyler asked ruffling Caleb's hair.

"Don't worry Tyler you'll be this one day."

"Yea one day.I'm still twenty six old man."

"I just turned twenty seven."I stated.

"Your still getting up their old man.Wait...this guy looks familiar..."He said eyeing Caleb.

"Holy sh-Jeeze!This is that hot model's kid."He said watching his language.I didn't say anything I just starred smriking.

"The hot model that handed out the trophy!Cecilia Johnston! hitting that?"He asked.

"Not at the moment."

"Even though your an old man.I respect you right now.You get on that.And don't get off.If you do.I will hop on."He said putting  ahand on my shoulder.

"Thanks.Great friend Tyler."I said sarcastically.

"Anytime old man!."He called back.


I'm sorry it's so short I just got the internet back up and I got a break from homeowkr and hockey.I will try to write tomorrow I am sorry!!!

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