Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

Cecilia's POV:

That night I dropped all the bags off at home and went to Angelina's office.It was in an office building and as I walked in there was big places where photo's were taken,dressing rooms for models and make up stands with amke up artist's packing up there things to head home.

"Can I help you?"A lady asked taking in my pregnant form.

"I need to speak with Angelica."I said.

"Oh down that hallway and it's the second door on your left."She smiled.

"Thank you."I said.I walked down lightly knocking on the door.

"Come in."I heard her say.I opened the door and stepped in closing it behind me.

"I see you are interested in my offer?"She asked raising a perfectly done eyebrow.

"My name is Cecilia Johnston."I said holding out my hand to actually introduce myself.

"Well cecilia have a seat and let's get to talking."She said referring to the two expensive looking leather chairs.Her office was dark wood and everything looked expensive and breakable.

"So...What do I need to do this?And how much does it pay?"

"Well.I want you to be my new top model.I am starting a natural beauty line and a family line.And I want you to be my top model in both of them.So the pay is very high and we will arrange flights for shows and everything.You will meet some of the biggest celebrities go to some of the biggest parties like the Oscar's,MMVA's...everything."

"Well I do need the money..."I said.And it's not like this little guy would be doing it alone.He would be doing it with me.And it's a chance to show Max that I am mature and beautiful.

"Sign me up."I smiled.

"Fantastic!When is the baby due?"


"Great!We can show my winter line in february.This is the contract saying that you will be working for me and no one can "buy" you."She said handing me a paper.I read it over and signed my name at the bottom.

"Okay here is my number and we will stay in touch until then.You have somewhere to stay?"

"Yes.I have an apartment."

"Okay great.I can't wait to get started Cecilia."she smiled.

"Thank you so much."I said standing and shaking her hand.I said good bye and walked back out wiht my head held high.That solves my money issues...But it doesn't solve several other ones.

I guess it's time to go see the family....


About two weeks later I headed over to the diner and told Janey about the modelling-I had took a couple weeks off to relax and stay off my feet for a bit-She said if anything ever happened I would always have a job there.But I wasn't quitting yet.I still had a couple more months until the baby was due.

After a while of sitting at the counter and drinking sprite.My family walked in.They were all my brothers.Unless my mom didn't have them with Mason.She made them all go sit by themselves at a table so we could talk.

"I don't want you to hate us,Cecilia...I want you to know that we are here whenever you need it."She said.She was out of the hospital fast.she had the new baby in a carriage.Well then again it was was about two weeks and a half since I saw them and she was really far along.

"How are you Cecilia?"

"I'm fine."I answered twirling my straw in my drink.

"Have you decided what your going to do?Are you going to keep this job?"

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