chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

Stella's POV:

It was friday and instead of being a senior and going to parties I was sitting at my kitchen table with Jackson looking at Universities.

"I have to go to training camp first so I won't even be around for about two months."He said.I got accepted to many Universities.Some in America and some in Canada.And I was to stressed to even think about it.

"How about I just not go?"I asked putting my head down on my arms.

"Stells you have to go to school.Even if you make the olympics.The summer games aren't for another you have to stay close by and train."Maybe I could go to Alaska...I thought.

"I should just go to UBC then..."(Unviersity of British Columbia).

"Well what would you take there?"Jackson asked.

"Art...Sociology..."I said looking over the courses.

"I know your still upset but prom is not far away.And you got training and everything.You just need to take your mind off of it."

"It's hard too."

"Come on."He smiled.He took my hand grabbing my skates in the closet and tossing them in the trunk of his car.

"I don't know where you are taking my skates...but there are no ice rinks around."I pointed out as he opened my door.He got in and just drove.I had no idea where he was taking me but we drove for about half an hour before finally reaching an abandoned looking building.It was rusted and dented and old looking but he went in through the back.The lights were off making it dark and it was cold.

He moved away and flicked on the lights to reveal freshly cleaned ice.It was an old arena with old wooden chairs.I tied up my skates as he did his.I knew hot to figure skate but hockey skates didn't work with me.Once I finished he took my hand and lead me on the ice.

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble?"I asked.

"No.This arena doesn't open until nine and then again it's only one guy who comes in and does everything."He shrugged.

"I think I'm better at skating then you."I teased.

"Your better at soccer for sure but skating?That's mine."He smirked planting a kiss on my cheek.

Cecilia's POV:

"Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow."I called opening the door.I had to change my uniform a bit because I was getting to big for it to fit.I was leaving early tonight because I had an ultrasound appointment to find out what I was having.It was about five and it was dark already.It was a bit chilly so I wrapped my sweater a bit tighter around me.

I went to my car unlocking the door and getting in.I cranked up the heat once I got in and drove off to the hospital.They didn't have a doctor's office,or X-ray and ultrasound office.They just put it all together and made a hospital.I drove slowly along the roads and getting to the hospital was about ten minutes.

I walked in and went to the third floor which was the X-ray and Ultrasound floor and signed in.

"Cecilia Johnston."I smiled.

"Johnston..."The recpetion girl mumured.

"J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N."I smiled.

"Oh sorry I know how to spell it...just...nevermind.The doctor will be out in a second."She smiled.I nodded and sat down.The office was empty and I midnlessly flipped through the magazines that were there.

"Cecilia?"Someone called.I looked up and a lady in a doctor's coat smiled at me with a clip board.

"Hi."I smiled following her.She brought me to a room that was dark and had a metal table on it.I laid back on it and corssed my hands on my stomach.

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