Chapter 23

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Chapter 23-

It was saturday night, Jackson was playing on the Vancouver Canucks in the NHL and he got us tickets to come watch. He even got us our own box. I wore skinny jeans and my new team Canada hoodie with ankle boots and Stella pretty much wore the same thing. We invited Stiles so that is was Stella,Max,Caleb,Stiles and I in the box with our own waiter for drinks and food.

There was no glass on the box so we could hear the crowd and everything perfectly. The whole evening Stella was very giddy and excited.

"What's wrong?"I laughed.

"I was just thinking about the whole situation."She said.

"What situation?"

"If you married my dad. I wouldn't mind it."

"really?"I asked.

"Cece. I wasn't born naturally. I know that. It feels like Max isn't my dad. Even though he technically is. I would be happy."

"You are thinking about this during a hockey game?"I said gesturing to the roaring fans and the game itself going on." She shrugged smiling and I starred at her oddly. When the game was over the announcer came on.

""Ladies and Gentlemen. Please wait in your seats for a moment." Everyone was confused and sat down and the Canucks stood on the ice starring at our box. Well it looked like it.

"This message is for Cecilia Johnston. Right winger for team Canada's womens soccer team."He said. Oh God...that was me.

"From, Major League soccer player Maxwell Andrews." I felt my heart stop and I felt like I would throw up. What was he doing?

Just then a little message came on the board and it read:

"Cecilia, Will you marry me?" I almost fainted. Just then a camera was on me and my jaw was dropped as I starred at a smiling Max who held out a huge ring for me.

"Please?"He whispered nicely. I took out the huge rock and slid it on my finger. I then starred him in the eyes. My dream had come true.

"Yes!"I screamed hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. The whole stadium roared and I laughed.

"That is all."The announcer said. Stella and Stiles took Caleb downstairs.

"I can't believe you did that! You are such an ass! I almost threw up all over your clothes!"I exclaimed.

"I love you." Was all he said and I was stunned.

"What?"I asked breathlessly.

"I. Love. You. Cecilia. Johnston."He said slower looking at me with those bright blue eyes.

"B-But...all those years ago you said you shouldn't love me..."I stammered.

"I was being an idiot. I love you so much because...there is something different about you."He said taking my face in his hands and kissing me. I kissed him back and then rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too."I said sighing happily.


July 3rd. Stella and Jackson's wedding.

"I'm so nervous."Stella sighed. She toyed with her fingers. Her hair was in a half up and down thing with the bottom half curled. Her make up was light and pretty and her dress was slimming with a cover of lace over it. It had a heart shape neck line with lace over top that went into short sleeves and buttoned up in the back.

She looked so pretty. Her bridesmaids dresses were a sky blue...with onece again lace over top. They were strapless and were covered in white lace with intricate designs. My hair was curled and we had white lillies as our bouquets. Our shoes were simple white heels.

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