Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

Cecilia's POV:

Stella and Stephen picked me up at six,I wore my new black strappy heels and a short black flowy,sparkly dress I bought yesterday.I put my hair up in a neat bun and my make up was done smokey you could say.

"Happy birthday!"Stella screamed and Stephen laughed saying it normally.

"Your eighteen one more year and you can buy beer."Stella teased as we pulled into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant downtown.We walked in meeting Jackson and Stiles.The boys were dressed in suits while me and Stella had on classy dresses.We got a second floor seat and a view of the water front lit up with twinkle-like lights.Couples walked along the board walk holding hands and heads close.

" you feel different?Mature?"Stella asked.She seemed more excited then me and it was my birthday.Imgaine her on her own.

"Kind of.I feel like an old lady."I pouted as the waitress set down our food.I got chicken and salad with steak.It was something that had chicken and salad in it and I loved chicken and salad.

"Oh your not an old lady...just a lady cougar."Stiles said in a sweet voice.

"Oh thanks you jackass."I said in the same sweet voice batting my eyelashes.

"So...where is sweet Serenity these days?"I asked making an angelic like voice when I said her name.

"Gone."He said finishing his steak and taking a sip of water.

"Gone?You guys broke up?"Stella asked surprised.

"She was cheating on me with a guy from school.So I dumped her sorry ass."He said acting cooly.

" did you find that out?"Jackson asked.

"One of her ex's called me up.I didn't believe him at first but he said she cheated on him with the same guy one day.And he told me to go to school early to pick her up and curiosity got to me and I did.She was making out with him."

"So what did you do?"I asked curiously.

"I took a picture she didn't see me and I sent it to her with a text saying we were done.And she saw me.should have seen the look on her face."He said smiling.

"That's so mean!...But funny."Stella said a devilish smirk appearing on her face.It was pretty funny but she kind of deserved it.I wouldn't say it was mean...maybe a bit hardcore but not mean.

After we all finished eating a wild grin appeared on Stella's face.A familiar grin that she got back in tenth grade when Jackson finally grew the balls to ask her out.

"Presents!"She beamed lifting colourful bags and boxes onto the table.I smiled setting them on the ground so I can open them one by one.The waitress was nice enough to bring a garbage can so I could throw out the wrapping paper.

Stella made me open the one from her and Jackson first.It was wrapped in silver paper with a black bow ontop.I tore it off in one piece because I really liked it and I placed the black bow on my dress.It was a shoe she must have got me the new Gianmarco Lorenzi shoes I wanted that were grey with black lace over top and a super thin heel...I was eyeing them In the store they weren't even on display it couldn't be them.But the box had the name on it.

I peered at her and she just winked at me until I finally lifted the lid very slightly peering under it.I saw the ultra thin heel and some black lace and I shot back up.

"You did not get them."I said.She nodded smiling wide and I tore off the lid peering at my new size seven lovelies.They were over two thousand dollars but that was no problem to us.Spending that kind of money was like spending fifty bucks.

"They haven't even went on display yet!Not for another two months."I said pulling one out.

"I have my ways."She said.I shook my head in disbelief and put them back in the box.I opened up Stephen's present next which was a jacket I was eyeing one again yesterday.Stella must have picked it up for him.Then Stiles got me a new leather bag from Danier leather.All wonderful gifts but i was confused when there was one more.

"Who's gift is this?"I asked starring at the box shaped present wrapped in red wrapping paper with a pink bow.

"I don't know but it was in the pile."Stella shrugged as Stephen paid the waitress.I undid the bow and took the lid off the bow to find an envelope.It was from the spa me and Stella were looking at that was at a resort about two hours from town....I opened the envelope and it was two passes for an over night stay there...

No way...

"Did you get me this?"I asked Stella and Jackson.They shook their heads as Stella took the passes reading it.Stephen shook his head no as did Stiles.I tried to remember the day me and Stella were looking at the spa panphlet that was in the mail.It was sunday morning and Max was in the room...


"Manicure's...facial's...massages...pedicures...scalp massage...mmmm...I just can picture the relaxation now."Stella said with a dazed look on her face causing me to laugh.

"Yea it's also four thousand for each person and an additional two thousand for food,services and supplies...oh and parking."I said reading the final print.I remember Max looking over our shoulder reading it with us.His fresh scent of aftershave was amazing.I felt myself become warm and excited and desperately trying to cover my warm cheeks.

"May be the best MLS soccer player as of right now.But that doesn't mean you spend six thousand dollars for one night stay at some spa.You can go get your nails and stuff done some where cheeper."He said with a chuckle walking back to his coffee.

"You can look at it,dream about it,think about it,want it...but it's another thing you can't have."stella laughed.

*Back to Reality*

Stella was right about that.Max is something I can look at,dream about,think about and want him but I can't have him...

But Max must have given me this...

"Think my dad gave you this?That was really nice...and you are like a second daughter to him."Stella said showing stephen the gift as the waitress began taking our plates.

A second daughter...

I thought.He will only see me as a second daughter.And father's don't get attracted to their children.As I began collecting my gifts. I noticed a small blue sticky note at the bottom of the box.I pulled it out and read it silently to myself.


Happy birthday.I hope this is good enough and I hope you bring Stella with you.she has been bugging me about getting it for her.I look forward to seeing you at the game friday night.


I know it didn't say much but...there was something between the lines of it.I smiled quietly to myself folding the note.

"What was that?"Stella asked.

"Oh nothing...Just the receipt."I lied smiling.

"Well let's go we got school tomorrow."She said.we all got up and said good bye to Stiles and Jackson.Then Stella and Stephen drove me home.

Once I got home I set all my stuff down planning on wearing it tomorrow and I croawled into bed placing the note on my side table.I rolled over and went to sleep smiling I believe.

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