Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

Stella's POV:

It was so boring at soccer games and school without Cecilia.Life was boring.I trained all the time with my father and the other time I spent on school and awaiting for Cecilia to call again.I stood by my locker one day having my bag slung over my shoulder.Cecilia's locker was open and empty next to mine.

"Why did you leave me?"I asked looking at the picture of me and her together.I slammed my head against it and actually cried.I wanted to be with her.I wanted to help her through this right now.I didn't want her to hurt herself...

"Hey...What's wrong?"Jackson asked putting an arm around my shoulder.I turned and put my face in his strong chest.

"She's gone and I'll never see her again."He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Shh...She'll come back,Stells."He whispered kissing my head.

"She won't Jackson.She couldn't even tell me that she was pregnant...or where she was going.She told Stiles but not me!I did something that upset her...It was my fault."

"Stella listen...It probably wasn't you.she has been your best friend since kindergarten.You two are closer then sister's.You guys are impossible to come between.Maybe it was something she just can't tell you because it may make you upset.Maybe she is trying to protect you."He said holding my shoulders as I wipped my eyes.

"I don't even want to play tonight.It's not the same without her..."

"Now you think she would want you to give up something you love?something you are working hard for? mom told me this thing once.She said no matter what happens if you give up something you love that hurts you.You will hurt everyone around you.Wouldn't you be sad if you gave up soccer and didn't go to the olympics?"

"Yea..."I said.

"Well she wouldn't want you to do that.She probably wants to watch you play soccer on TV.And cheer for you.and maybe after she has the baby she will be able to come back and play."

"It's just...We were supposed to go to University together...go to prom together...graduate together."

"She is still graduating...and maybe she may find her parents and they will help her take care of the baby so she can go to University."

"I guess your right..."

"I'm always right."He smirked making me smile.

"I love you too much."I laughed giving him a light kiss."

"I love you too,babe."

"I'm not your babe."

"Yes you are."He smiled.


"Fine you want to be my girl?I love you,girl?Does that sound good?"

"No...Babe is fine..."I sighed happily.


A couple weeks went by with no phone call and then finally...Finally.she called.

"Stiles.I know I am on speaker phone and I am making this deal.I will speak to you and Stella.Alone.If I am on speaker phone during this time.I will stop calling."she said.

"Sounds good,Cece."He said picking up the phone.

"How is everything?...Good...that good..."

"Cece it will take a while...Oh...Well if you do find them you can try and maybe go to University up there.Have you decided what you are going to do yet?"I notice my father stiffen.he was reffering to the child.

"Oh...Well yea.Okay Stella is dying to talk to you.Okay call me later.Love you too Cece."He said handing the phone to me.I got up and walked out.

"Cece?"I asked.

"Hey Stella."She said.

"Cece...why did you do this?"

"I can't stay there Stella.I couldn't be around a certain someone."She said.

"Cece...I know you have been hiding things from me lately."

"I know.I know I am a bad friend don't give me the le-"

"Your not a bad friend Cece.Your my best friend.You will always be my best friend no matter what you choose to do.even if you move across the world and never talk to me again.You will always be my best friend.I just wanted you to talk to me.To see if I could help."

"Stella you know I love you friends forever.But this is a situation I need to handle by myself."

"I understand.Will you just promise to call me a bit more?I miss you and I want to know you and the baby are safe."

"I will."

"How far along are you?"

"About four months."

"How are you?Are you warm?Dry?Fed?"

"Yes mom."She said laughing lightly making me laugh.

"I took my credit card and bought an apartment.I got a job at a local diner.It's good.I really like it here."

"Your not going to tell me where you are?"

"No.Because I know you will try to come and find me."

"Can we make a deal?"

"Depends on how it will work out."

"Tell me where you are...or at least who the father is so I can kick his ass."

"And what do I get in return?"

"Only me and Stiles will know.I won't tell a soul who he is or where you are."

"Fine.I am in Alaska."

"There?It's freezing."I whispered so only she could hear me.

"It's beautiful.The scenary is amazing...the mountains are like a picture.I love it here."

"Okay.Well...I will let you go.Go get some rest and call me more."

"Okay.I love you Stella."

"I love you too,Cece."I whispered before ending the call.I gave the phone back to Stiles.

"She will call more.but she said she's not coming back."

"Where is she?"My dad ask.

"I can't say.because we really can't tell anyone.She is eighteen she's not a child.We can't force her to come back home because then she won't be happy.If she wants to do this and it makes her happy then I guess she can do it."I shrugged.

"Okay.All of you go get some rest."My father said.I kissed Jackson good bye and said good bye to Stiles and then went upstairs.Surprisingly it was storming outside and the thunder was causing me not to sleep.So I slid on my swetaer and my slippers and went downstairs.My dad sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Daddy?"I asked standing beside him.He almost jumped and turned.

"Oh...Stella you scared me.What's wrong,sweetheart?"he asked yawning.I sat next to him and laid against his shoulder.

"I can't sleep."

"Thunderstorm?"He asked.Soon Stephen came down angry and folding his arms.The flaw we got when we were "Made" was some bad sleeping habits.we were really light sleepers.the slightest sound would jolt us awake.And any noise made us not able to sleep.

"Scared stephen?"dad teased.

"leave me alone.Old man."stephen laughed.

"I am only six years older then you.I'm not that old."he chuckled.Surprisingly I actually fell asleep listening to their teasing.

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