Chapter 20

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Chapter 20-

Cecilia's POV:

"What are you going to do for Caleb's birthday?"Max asked me as I cleaned some of the dishes in the sink.He has been doing much better in the past two weeks.Making sure Caleb stayed away from everything dangerous.He even put safety locks and door stoppers everywhere which I told him wasn't necessary because Caleb never touched things he wasn't supposed to touch.But he insisted.

"I don't know what to do.Usually I took him down to my parents' house."I said drying the last dish and placing it in the cupboard.I spun around and leaned against the counter.

"So you have nothing in mind?"

"Well I don't know anyone and he hasn't gone to school yet."

"Have you signed him up for school?"He asked raising an eyebrow.


"Well done."He said smirking.

"I don't even know how my mom signed him into preschool so I don't know what to do.I am twenty-one you are twenty-seven.You have two kids who are my age and I have one kid."

"relax,C.You just call in to the school board."He laughed.

"Well that is something you can do."

"Okay."he called walking out of the kitchen.I shook my head and smiled.


That evening Caleb watched TV and I printed out some information on prep schools. Max said he would pay for anything for both me and Caleb so this was a good way to start.

"Prep school?"Max asked.

"Not just a prep school, Max."I said taking the paper to show him.

"It's a prep school for elite athletes."

"He only plays soccer...and he is going into kindergarten.Not University."He smiled.

"You haven't seen him play other sports? He is really good at baseball,hockey and lacrosse."I said.

"Whatever makes you and Caleb happy Cece."Max said standing up and moving my hair from my shoulders and kissing my head.

"So should I start calling you my baby daddy now?Paying for all of my expenses?"I teased twirling a piece of hair on my index finger while he grabbed a Corona from the fridge.

"I perfer not." He smiled handing me one too and placing a lime in it for me.

"You sure? What about Sugar daddy?"I laughed.

"How about Max?"He asked sarcastically.

"Maxwell,Maxy...Take your pick."

"Then I will take Maxy it sounds better then the eighty year old name."

"Oh so when we go to the mall I can hang on to your arm for dear life like this."I said clutching his arm digging my nails in slightly.

"And I will whine like this..."I smiled.

"Maxy baby...can you get me that...fuck what are they called....Prada bag!?"I whined.Pressing my nails in harder.He growled aggressively which made me smile.

"I perfer not."

"But Maxy!"I gasped clutching onto his arm tighter.He shook his head and then placed my hand on his chest and ran my nails over it. Surprisingly I'd imagine.

"Cecilia..."He warned.

"Maxy...Why so sad?"I asked innocently kissing his shoulder lightly. He growled angrily and spun around fast placing both of his hands on the counter beside me and leaning into my face. I smelt his lovely aftershave and I laughed.

"Maxy..."I tsk-ed. He looked seriously and I rested my hands on his back and dug my nails in making him groan again. I laughed.

"Oh Maxy...your so-"He crashed his lips against mine hard and I moaned happily.

"Easy..."I finished against his mouth.He licked and nipped at my lips until I finally opened. For years...I have been waiting for this. I had the hugest crush on Max my whole life. He was nice,carring,funny,charming,handsome...the whole nine yards. Honestly I think I was in love with him.

"Daddy...why are you eating mommy?"Caleb asked. Max moved away instantly and I laughed. My little man was too cute.

"Because she tastes so good Caleb." Max a seductive voice....He was making sexual terms hidden under his voice.I starred at him astounded and he smirked at me and encircled his arms around my waist and rested his head on mine. Afterall he was freakishly tall.

"You don't eat people!"Caleb said laughing while throwing his juice box in the garbage.

"That's right Max.No eating people. Especially girls and more specific...this girl."I said. He just continued smirking and bent down to my ear.

"Not a chance."He whispered. I shivered and chills went down my spine and my stomach clenched...I was getting turned on by this? Aww you dirty slut, Cecilia.

"Okay bed time!"I exclaimed. My God I wanted to jump under Max's skin. He smirked leaning against the counter in a white v-neck shirt. Exposing all his glory underneath. I had on jean shorts and a blue button up shirt. I felt myself tighten and I was almost shaking.Oh my God...Cecilia stop. Max just starred at me and the flashed his white teeth and I lost it. I felt myself become soaked and I ran up the stairs.

Caleb was already in his jammies he just had to brush his teeth. I was shaking I grabbed the tooth brush and tooth paste and squeezed it on and I rushed.

"I wanna do it."He complained.

"Mommy will because mommy is super tired."

"More like frustrated."Max called from getting Caleb's bed ready. I cursed under my breath and then rushed Caleb into bed putting on his TV he could never fall asleep to the quiet sound.He had to hear noise.

"Goodnight,sweetheart."I whispered kissing his head.Max kissed him good night too and then I practically ran down the hall to Max's bedroom.I opened it and I was stunned.

"Canopy black bed with black silk sheets and pillows. Soccer awards in a trophy case.Pictures of Stella and Stephen. TV, chairs,couch, desk. Huge and amazing bathroom. Large walk in closet.

" God..."I said stunned.

"Your bedroom is the other way."He said huskily in my ear making me shiver again.

"Oh my...God..."I said again never feeling like this before. He brushed past me making my exposed skin set on fire. He walked over to his bed and pulled off his shirt and I stood shocked at his amazing back muscles.

"Fuck my life..."I sighed.I shut the door and practically sprinted as he turned around and pushed him aggressively on the bed un-buttoning my shirt in the process. I literally jumped him.

Oh God Cecilia...


AN: So ppl say I am making their relationship go too fast. This was only supposed to be a short story. It was only supposed to be like ten chapters and also it's my story and you do not have to read it....

Simple as that.

But for everyone who does like it....

I uploaded!

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