Chapter 15

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I am updating as much as I can today because I have time and I owe you guys so much because my last update was a long time ago! Oh hey if anyone has Twitter or instagram don't be afraid to follow me.I do follow back. Twitter:@stepphyb and my Instagram:Stephanie_4hall.I just got both because I don't have facebook and stuff so...don't be afraid I will follow u back once again because u guys are awesome ^.^

Here's the story!

Chapter 15:

Cecilia's POV:

Caleb's eyes literally popped out of his head at every animal he saw.His favourite was the snow tiger and they were babies so we spent like half an hour starring at them.After that we went to the park.Caleb walked ahead of us eating ice cream.Which I protested against because it was before lunch but...Max let him have one and I couldn't say no to both of their faces.

"You know I am going to have to go back to Alaska soon...well if she decides to stay here I am going to be on the road a lot."I said as we walked.

"Then you enjoy the time you have here."

"I already am enjoying it Max."I said looking down.Suddenly I saw people bouncing out of trees and bushes snapping pictures of us.

"What is this?"I asked.

"Paparazzi?You know they take pictures of big stars and write dumb stories."

"Oh so they are going to make one about you being the father of another man's child?"I scoffed.

"Probably but they are more focused on the relationship between us two."He explained.

"Hmmm..."I said thinking.

"Hmmm?"He said.

"Hmmm."I agreed.I laughed and cuddled right close to him and he put his arm around me.A little show for those hungry cougars out there.What he did was not entirely his fault.And I already forgive him because...I can't resist his ways.

But I won't be forgiving him out front just yet.I felt nice with his arm around me.And I took my hand closest to him and grabbed his free hand.More pictures were taking and even some people in the park gawked.


"You still think your intact with your soccer skills?"He asked me.Caleb was having a nap on one of the lawn chairs outside and I grabbed a soccer ball from inside.

"I think I can kick your ass."

"Whatever floats your boat,Lia."He said.Lia?That was new.I smiled and dropped the ball kicking off my flats.

"Alrighty let's do this."I said.He stood still infront of me and I ran towards him and he stopped me easily.I groaned like a tennis player and walked back to my place.

"Alright that was practice."I ran again trying something else and he stopped me.

"Third times a charm."He laughed and I ran again.After about the tenth try he finally let me pass him.

"Yes!It only took ten tries but I got it."

"I guess so."He said flashing me a dazzling smile.

"And now I am tired."I sighed flopping down on the long soft green grass.He laid down next to me and we just laid in silence.

"I guess ten is my lucky number now."I stated.


"It took me ten tries to get around you.Meaning ten was my lucky number."

"What was it before?"


"Why?"He asked again.

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