Chapter 7

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Chapter 8-

Max's POV:

"Well Stiles where did she go?"Stella demanded.I turned around to.If she left I guess I kind of had to go talk to her.

"She went to go look for her parents.Her real ones."

"Well where are they?"

"I can't tell you.I made a promise Stella.She wants to be alone.Just let her be.You know how hard it's been.Switching form families,Bulimia,Stress of school soccer and now a baby?She probably wants time to think."

"I just want to call her.Make sure she's okay."

"She said she'll call me once she get's settled.You can talk to ther then.Just don't push her it can be quick and eays for that disorder to come back.You already know how bad her anxiety is."I shouldn't have done that.I just made her life a lot more hard and worst.I didn't say anyting but just waited for the phone call.

Later that night Stiles got a phone call.

He put his phone on speaker and me,Stella,Stephen and him crowded around the phone.

"Cece?"He called.

"Hey guy."She said laughing breathlessly.

"You alright?"He asked.

"It's cold out here."

"Are you safe though?"

"Yea.I found an apartment and waitressing at a small diner.It's great out here the mou-Am I on speaker?"She asked.

"No...."He said lying.

"Stiles!Who is listening.I know I am on speaker."

"Stephen,Stella and Max."He sighed.

"I will call you when I can talk to you...Alone.""She growled and then the line went dead.

"Dammit.."Stiles cursed putting his face in his hands.

"Call her back."Stella said.

"I can't.She is using a payphone.She has a phone but to call me...that's what she is using."

"She didn't even graduate..."Stella said wipping the tears that fell from her eyes.I rubbed her back trying to soothe her.

"She is taking online courses."

"What about team Canada?And University?And Prom?"She sobbed.

"Stella she'll be me.Just give her some time."Stiles said.Stella got up and wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her tightly and kissed her head.

"It's alright,Stells...she'll be back."I promised her.She will be back...I couldn't see Cecilia sleeping with another guy.I had a feeling I was going to be a dad again...

Cecilia's POV:

I traveled to a town called Chefornak and it had a population of four hundred.It was small and quaint and near the water.There was a great view from my apartment building balcony.My apartment was great I spent a lot of money furnishing it.It was a two bedroom,one bathroom apartment.Which would be great for me and the new baby.I had all desginer stuff and a lot fo food and I had started doing the nursery because I didn't want my parents cancelling my credit card.I just bought the crib and stuff I didn't have any bed clothes or actual clothes because I didn't know what I was having.

But I needed to have some spare cash.So I went down around town and walked around until I passed by a local diner.I walked in and sat at the counter.It was your classic eighties looking bar.With waitresses walking around in button up dresse and white aprons and the old man chef in the back covered in grease and cooking.It smelt amazing in here and everyone was chatting with each other.

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