Chapter 21

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Chapter 21-

Cecilia's POV:

"He's allergic to strawberries and he has asthma an-"I was saying but was cut off by Max.

"Cecilia.He will be fine."Max assured rubbing my shoulders. The teacher gawked at me and then batted her eyelashes at Max.

"No fear. I will take good care of him."She assured as well.

"Okay Caleb...if you need mommy tell the teacher and if anything goes wrong I will be here in a flash okay?"I asked bending down to Caleb. His blonde hair was spikey and his blue eyes were shining with excitement. He looked exactly like Max.

"I know,mommy."He said rolling his eyes smiling. I hugged him tightly and kissed his head. School was all day because he did sports in the afternoon. Mondays and fridays were lacrosse, tuesdays and thursdays were hockey and soccer was wednesday and friday. He had a lot on his plate.But he could handle it.

He ran inside with his little beige pants and navy blue blazer and white dress shirt and I sighed. What would I do all day now?

Max had soccer practice so I just told him to drop me off at home. All these months with him had been great I was completely head over heels for him. There was no one i wanted more. As I cleaned some dishes I heard the door open. I figured it was Max.

"Oh...I didn't know you were home."I turned and Stella stood awkwardly. She had on her practice uniform. I hadn't realized I missed Stella and Soccer so much. I twirled my foot anxiously.

"How are you?"I asked.

"I'm...good. How are you and Jackson?"

"Uhm...great." We stood there in more silence until she finally spoke.

"Cece...I missed you so much."She said a tear escaping. I stood still and looked up.

"I missed you too...Stells."I smiled. It was like in the movies when you run slow-mo for a big hug. God I cannot express how much I missed my best friend.

"It has sucked without a best friend."

"I know Cece...How do you think I feel?Playing team Canada by myself?"She asked disbelieved smiling.

"You don't know how much I want to lace up the shoes again."

"So do it!Cece...I am your best friend. Always will be. Yea it may be weird because you could be my step-mom someday but that won't change anything. We are best friends...for life."

"I would never want you or Stephan to call me mom."I laughed.

"Can you imagine? Me calling from the living room for you to get me a pop?"She smiled laughing as well. I caught a glimpse at her hand and I noticed a huge rock on her finger.

"Stella!"I screamed surprised. She jumped.

"What!?"She exclaimed.

"Jackson proposed to you!?"

"Come on Cece...we have been together since grade eight. It was bound to happen." She smiled shaking her head.

"When's the wedding!?Bachelorette party!?"I excliamed.

"Wedding is July third."She smiled.

"If you say you have a maid of honour we are not best friends anymore."

"Obviously.I only have one choice and that is you!"She smiled.

"I can't believe I turned you away all those years ago."I sighed hugging her tightly again.

"I know.I should have pushed harder.Listen...Tryouts for team Canada are coming. They wanted you."She said.

"I hardly believe that.No offense Stells."

" are a great soccer player. You're better then me."

"You had more points then me."I countered.

"I am a ball hog. You are a team player. You were always the star. Come on Cece...get back into your old groove." Stella always had a way to persuade me.

"Alright Stella."I sighed smiling.

"Great! Practice tomorrow?" I nodded.

"And dress shopping on the weekend. Oh by the way I already picked Caleb as the ring boy." She smiled walking out.

"See you tomorrow, Stells."I called.

"Text you later,gator" She called again.I heard the door shut and I returned to doing the dishes.


"Why are you coming to watch me?"I whined to Max as I tied up my cleats. I wore my high school uniform and I tied up my hair into a ponytail.

"Because I love watching you do things you love."He said.

"Save the gushy stuff."I laughed. The coach came over and smiled taking my hand.

"Cecilia Johnston? Pleasure to meet you. I was waiting for you and Stella and I was disappointed only one of you came."She said.

"Pleasure to meet you as well. I took a break. I had a child."I smiled.

"Well I'm glad to see your coming out."She then looked at Max.

"Max Andrews? Pleasure to meet you as well."She then went on to talk to Max and I ran towards Stella who was fooling around with the ball. It was practice and there was only about twelve girls on the field.

"All that's here?"I asked confused.

"They don't take much players."She shrugged. We began passing the ball back and forth and I could feel my old skills coming back.

"See?Someone missed it"Stella laughed picking up the tempo. Then the coach blew the whistle and that's when the real pain began. She made us do ladders, run, sit ups, push ups, a lot of running to the point where I had to take off my shirt as did everyone else. We were inside but I was sweating so much.

"Water break."She said after an hour. I took a deep breath and grabbed my water.

"Having fun?"Max smiled.

"Oh yea." A lot of girls gawked at him then at me and I just smiled.

"Oh yea, ladies. He's all mine."I said smiling triumphantly. We then got into the real drills that included dribbling the ball,passing, running, pivoting and everything in between. After practice I wiped off all my sweat and put the towel around my shoulders.

"Cecilia?"The coach called. I turned breathless.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Congratulations. I would like you on the team this year." She smiled.

"Really!? I was that good? I haven't played soccer in so long."

"Cecilia I have watched you play. Your a great team mate and your a team player and that is the kind of player we need to stand up and bring everyone together. I'll have your uniform and practice uniform ready for saturday. I want you showing the rookie's for tryouts the ropes."She said.

"Awesome. I will be here."I smiled. She smiled and said good bye and I turned to Max.

"Guess there is a new pro in the house now, huh?" I asked as he carried my stuff.

"Becareful, Cece. Caleb is one hell of an athlete." He smiled. I was so happy I suddenly got a burst of energy.


AN: So this story is winding down and I figured I end it off on a happy note. Every book deserves a happy ending and I want to do a chapter about Stella's wedding, the tryouts, the planning and some new surprises ;)


P.S I'm trying to put a picture on the side of Cecilia...-_- I'm trying...

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