Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

Cecilia's POV:

The next morning I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee.Somehow every morning Max was up before Stella and Stephen and he was out the latest and he was up the earliest.Stella was still fast asleep and I got up quickly to go get changed.As I past the kitchen I noticed Max was in there with shorts but no shirt on.I blushed secretly at the very well toned muscles that flexed slightly as he moved.I took a quiet deep breath and walked on.I changed into a lace zip back tank top that was a dark purple colour with black lace over top.The back was bare,just covered by the lace.I zipped it up using a hanger on the rack inside the bathroom-It was a back zipper-.I pulled on a pair of black thin material pants that zipped on the back and a pair of white heels.

Yes you can probably see me and Stella dress...very classy I guess for school.But that is because we live in a high class area.There is a high up school and a lower school in the lower area which is about ten minutes away.

But anyways,I pulled my dark brown wavy hair down from the bun it was in and let it hang loose.I applied minimal make up and walked back out shoving my pajamas in my bag.Stella was gone I figured she would have went to get dressed.

I walked into the kitchen and he looked back at me.

"Good morning,Cecilia."He smiled.

"Morning Mr.Andrews."I smiled back.

"Cecilia,It's okay to call me Max."He said laughing lightly.

"No problem."Talking was quite easy to Max.It's just the smile he gives me makes me so nervous I wanted to throw up every time I saw it.Soon Stella walked in in a white lace dress that was mid thigh length and white heels.Stephen wore Khaki shorts and a white shirt his hair was a mess and he looked somewhat tired.But still looked flawless.

I know it's weird.You'd think I would like Stephen.He is my age and everything but..Something about Max drove me crazy and made me want him so badly.

"You coming to the game tonight...right,dad?"stella asked.

"Of course.I wouldn't miss it."He said picking up the coffee he just made.Stella came over and took it in her hands and he smiled and grabbed one sitting right next to the coffee maker.He finally caught on that Stella would just take his coffee every morning.I wanted to be the one he made coffee for every morning.


Stephen drove us to school and when we got there.Jackson Storm was waiting for Stella.Jackson was an OHL-soon-to-be-great-NHL-hockey-player.Him and Stella were the perfect couple.They both loved each other a lot and no matter how many models and millionaires flirted with Jackson.He was never phased by them.Even cheerleader Marissa.Who had her boobs and ass done,who was a swim suit model...could not get him to fall for her.

Jackson was also tied with Stephen at being the hottest man that ever came to this school.He was about six feet,with broad shoulders and toned everything due to all the working out.He had a strong jawline and a chiseled face,he had bright piercing blue eyes that looked like ice,that stood out from his blonde hair.He was Swedish...well half.His mom was from Vancouver and he took her name when his dad walked out on them.Well now look where he is.

Anyways,Stella ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist.They held a passionate kiss for about two minutes and finally walked in hand in hand leaning close together.I walked behind them alone,until stiles came up to me.

"Hey,Cece."He said.

"Hey,What's going on?"I asked.

"Nothin' much.Car is in the shop for a week so I had to ride a bike."

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