Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-

Cecilia's POV:

Before tryouts today, Caleb had a hockey game against a fellow sports academy about half an hour apart. We drove to the rink and I was dressed in jeans,a jacket, a hat and gloves because it was cold in the rink. Caleb was also a goalie for hockey...the only sport where he played goalie. Max tied up his skates for him and helped him with his pads. Stella and Jackson also came out to watch.

"Hey Jackson."I smiled giving him a hug.

"Hey Cece, how are you doing?" He asked.

"Good. Congratulations on the engagement." I smiled patting his shoulder. He smiled and flushed a bit. Aw those two were too cute. Caleb watched the older kids practiced because he still had some time left. Him and Jackson were talking about hockey while Max went to go get coffee.

"Nervous about today?" Stella asked.

"Kind of. Although I made the team it's still nerve racking.Will there be a lot of girls there?"I asked.

"Usually there is. But I will be there too. So you will be fine. Coach will probably make us lead the drills and then discuss who we are cutting."

"How many spots are open?"I asked.

"Me, you and our captain only have for sure spots. So we have quite a few but there will be a lot of girls."

"Wow. I feel bad for them." I said shivering a bit.

"Don't worry,Cece. It will be just like the old days." She smiled. Then the buzzer rang ond the older boys got off the ice.

"Okay, bud. Go out there and kick some ass,okay?"I smiled.

"Yea."He laughed. I patted his helemt and he went inside the dressing room. We went up the steps and took our seats when Max brought us coffee. We then watched the game together.

"Come on Andrew! This goalie couldn't stop a beach ball!"A parent yelled.

"Jeeze there five and six buddy." Stella muttered. The little kid known as Andrew took a shot and Caleb saved it.

"That's my boy Caleb. That kid can't shoot for his life!"I said back. The man glarred at me.

"Yea. I said it." I said to the man.

"Cecilia."Stella said trying to be serious but laughing.

"Makes fun of my boy again and I'll take him down."I said. Caleb ending up winning because he is just that awesome and then we were off to the stadium.


When we got there me and Stella went off to the changerooms. I was given a black jersey with the name "Johnston" on the back and a Canada maple leaf on the front. It was my practice uniform. I was then given my red game uniform with the number "19" on the back.

I was also given soccer pants and a red windbreaker that had "Team Canda Women's soccer." on it. Along with my name and number. I was given a lot of stuff including a hoodie, bag, training shorts, multiple socks and a catalog for new cleats.

"Wow." I said tying up my laces.

"I know." Stella smiled.

We went out on the field while the girls did their run around the field ten times then up and down the stairs. I was shocked by how many girls there were. There had to have been at least over one hundred. We walked over to the coach as she was already making cuts on who had endurance and who did not.

"Ladies. We are doing simple ball control drills first. Cecilia, I will let you and Stella work together so you can get the hang of it." All three of us nodded and we took cones to go set up some drills.

"Just do the simple go around the cone and shot on net." Stella said. We took half and half and we had a huge group of young girls.

"Tell them what to do. Get the goalie's to alternate every five shots." Stella explained. I nodded and walked over.

"Hello ladies. My name is Cecilia. We are doing a simple go around the cone drill to see how well you all can handle the ball. I know how nerve racking it is to see all the coaches watching you but just focous on what you are doing." I said. They all nodded.

"We are just going to go around the cone. Goalies get in net alternate every five shots. I will demonstrate." I waited for a goalie to set up and I went around the cones with ease and then taking a shot on net top corner.

"Go!" I yelled. I let the goalies alternate at least three times before Stella changed up the drills. The girls were working hard and they had sweat rolling down their faces. After an hour the tryout was finished and the girls went to get changed as we put up the names for who made it to the next round. We cut it down to thirty girls. After getting changed I saw some girls crying because they were cut and my heart sank.


The next three days were intense and finally we had our team for the season.

"Congratulations.You girls are this years team. We start practice next saturday. So take a break and see you all next week.." I was dead tired from all of the tryouts but I was happy with myself. My dream was coming true. I made team Canada for soccer and I am on it with my best friend and I have my best friends' dad with me.

How could life get any better...?

Well unless he proposed to me...Then I would be set for life.


AN: I know it is short but I have some things to do. I don't know if my last picture worked but I'm putting another one of Max this time.

And guess who I choose?



Because he was so pretty with his blonde hair in the movie Beastly :D

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