Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-

"We are going to do a big shoot out here."Angelica said.

"What made you decide that?"I asked walking around the guest bedroom in search of clothes.

"The landscape is beautiful out here and I want to really focus on it.I'm thinking of a cross Canada tour."

"Cross Canada?Angelina I can't do that with Caleb."I said.He's a three year old he can't handle travelling Canada with no sleep and bad eating."

"Cecilia your my top model.You need to do this.Aren't you with Caleb's father?Max?"

"He's a professional athlete."I sighed.

"Cecilia.You need to make your decision.We leave tomorrow I will give you until tonight."She said.

"Alright."I said sighing again.I shut my phone and slid into my pocket.I crossed my arms and starred intently at the floor frowning.Suddenly my door opened and I turned as Caleb and Max popped there heads in all dressed.

"You ready?"Max asked.I nodded and walked towards the door.

"You alright?"He asked.

"Fine."I answered.


After the fun time at the arena I popped the question to Max as we drove to his house.

"I'm going on a cross Canda tour.I'm levaing tomorrow."I said.

"What?"He asked surprised.

"Angelica sprang the question this morning.She wants to do it because of the landscape.I won't be gone long.I promise.A couple of shoots in different towns,Some runways,parties...I shouldn't be long."

"But when will you two be back?"He asked.

"Here's the thing.I can't bring Caleb with me.Going to these things I will have no one to watch him and he will be eating bad and sleeping bad.I was wondering if he can stay with you?"I asked.

"That's fine but you still didn't answer my question."

"A month.Two tops."I said.

"It's not that bad."He said.

"I never been that long away from him."

"Everything will be fine,Cecilia."He said.I nodded starring out the window.That night I slept in Caleb's bed with him tightly close to me.Max understood why and didn't protest against it.The next morning I had my bag packed and I wrote down a list for Max.

"He is allergic to Honey and seeds.So no water melon seeds,strawberries,oranges with seeds.Nothing.Alright?"I asked.

"I got it,Cecilia.Everything will be fine.Right,kid?"

"Right."Caleb said smiling.I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh come here,my little pumpkin patch."I said hugging him tightly.

"Mommy loves you so much.I'll be back soon okay?"

"Okay.I love you too mommy."I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he kissed my cheek.I gave him one last hug and stood up.I opened the door seeing the tour bus infront of the house.With the other three models in it.

"Alright.Be safe you two."

"See ya."Max said smiling.

"Bye."I smiled closing the door behind me.


Really short chapter.But I will write soon? Hehe :D

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