Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

Cecilia's POV:

"You're drunk..."Stella laughed at me and Stiles as we prepared to have a shots contest.she was drunk too.She was laughing alot and being giggly and way to happy.But then again me and Stiles were too.

"I don't care...I can beat Stiles."I slurred.We began drinking shots like no tomorrow...but Stiles beat me.

"You bastard!"I yelled.He slung his arm around me lazily.

"I am a bastard...and you're my bitch...Cece..."He said sleepily.People began to leave because everyone was drunk...and people who were dedicated drivers were dragging them out of there.Soon it was me,a past out Stiles and a half awake Stella.

"What time is it?"She groaned rubbing her head.I looked at the clock and my vision blurred.

"I-I think it's one..."I mumbled.

Soon the door bursted open and Max stumbled in.He was drunk too and he tossed his keys on the little end table.

"You kids have fun?"He slurred.

"It was so fun!"I said in a party type tone.

"I'm going to the bathroom..."I mumbled.I got up dragging my feet past Max and kicking my heels off in the process.I went upstairs to use the bathroom.As I opened up the door Max stood infront of me.It was dark and I could barely see.

"Max...what are you doing?"I murmured.

"I want you Cecilia...I want you to be with me..."He slurred pulling me into a tight hug.I couldn't process what was happened and I looked up into his drunk dilated eyes and kissed him.I don't know what I was thinking but I actually followed him into his bedroom.


The next morning I woke up with a nasty headache.It was pounding so bad.And I was naked...and in grey satin sheets and covers...with someone's strong arms around my waist.I was so sore downstairs and I slowly crept back to see Max's sleeping face.

I covered my mouth and bit my finger to stop my scream.He snuggled his face in my hair.

"Mmm...Georgina you smell like strawberries..."He murmured.He didn't think it was me!

Well...I felt like smacking him.I quickly took his arm off my waist and got up quickly shoving on my shirt,and panties and pants and grabbed my heels running downstairs.No one was up which was good and I just bolted home.Once I got in I changed into comfy attire and walked across over to Stiles' room.I banged on the window and his groggy self opened it.

"'s nine and I have a hangover."He complained.

"I slept with him!"I yelled.

"With who?"He asked waking up.

"Max!Stella and Stephen's father!."I said confused.My heart was beating fast.

"Calm are you sure?"

"Stiles I was naked in his bed with his arms around me and I am sore down in my vaginal area!"

" mom could be awake.Just relax.Does he know?"

"No.He thought I was a girl named Georgina."

"Well there you go.Just act like nothing ever happened and you'll be fine."He said.

"Oh God...I have to tell Stella."

"Why?"he asked.

"It's her father and I am her best friend.I am training with him.Know how hard that is going to be?"I asked.

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