chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

Cecilia's POV:

"Your having a little boy!Oh that's so cute!"Stella gushed happily on the phone.

"Thanks..."I laughed.

"What are you naming him?"She asked.

"Well if it was a girl I was going to name her Cameron Stella actually...I know it doens't sound right.Leave me alone."I laughed. I always had a love for girls who had boy names. I thought it was cute, like; Spencer, Christian, Dylan and such.

"Cameron Stella? It doesn't sound right but I like it. It's very you." She laughed.

"But since it is a boy his name will be Caleb Stiles."

"Caleb Stiles? Sounds like you again." She laughed.

"So how is everything?" She asked.

"It's alright. Spending christmas alone isn't the most exciting thing." I sighed.

"You could come home, Cece."

"I know...But my real parents have been so nice and the whole modelling thing I have going on... And I have my diploma and I am applying to the University here...I am starting all over and I like it."

"So...No team Canada?"

"Maybe next year..." I said. Stella had tried out for team Canada in the summer and made it and she was going to the University of British Columbia because Jackson was playing for Vancouver. She said Max was bringing home many girls and he's been going out a lot and she's worried for him. Which didn't surprise me.

He can bring home as many Georgina's as he wanted...I don't care.

"I want to be able to see your baby. Cece...We should be having baby showers and kicking whoever's ass made you do this!" She exclaimed. Do you want to kick your father's ass? Is what I felt like saying.

"Stella if I tell you where I am and let you visit will you promise me it will only be when Caleb is born and you cannot try to convince me to come back home?"

"Deal!" She exclaimed happily.

"Okay the due date is January the second and I am in Chefornak. You can come. I am on sventy two street apartment building four room number eight. I am on the top floor." I said.

"YAY!" She screamed into the phone making me pull it away.

"Oh My God! I can't wait I have to go tell Stiles. I'll see you soon baby!" She screamed happily hanging up. I laughed putting my phone in my pocket and taking out the address to my parents' house. I went downstairs getting into my fancy audi R8 which seemed a bit too classy for around here. I drove to the edge of town on the water front to a big high class mansion that had a view of the mountains.

I got out gawking at it. It was beautiful. The white and grey stone reflected against the white mountains. I walked up knocking on the door and my mom opened it.

"Cecilia! Come in and out of the cold." She smiled pulling me in gently before pulling me into a hug which I returned.

"Come in here I will take your jacket." she said putting my jacket up. I walked in seeing a older looking woman sitting on the couch.

" must be Cecilia. My name is Elizabeth." She smiled shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Oh come here darling. You're my only granddaughter." She laughed pulling me into a hug I returned it again smiling. I felt really at home with these people.

I sat down on the couch as my mom handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

"So Cecilia how did the application go?" She asked talking about University.

"Oh I got accepted. So I will be going next year and I looked over the pamphlet you gave me." I said.

"Oh what do you think of the school?"

"It's amazing. I think I will send him there in the day and maybe as he gets older."

"It is a good program I assure you." She smiled.

"So, Cecilia who is the father?" My grandma asked.

"His name is Maxwell Andrews."

"The soccer player?" Thomas asked. Thomas was fifteen- somewhat the middle child out of my brothers. There was Chase and Cameron who were sixteen and in grade eleven, Thomas; fifteen in grade ten, Johnny in grade nine and then little Matthew who was just born.


"Dude...he's twenty four." He noticed.

"Dude. I know." I laughed.

"Twenty four? Cecilia I am hoping what he did was legal..." She said.

"Yea. It was. We were...well...I'm not sure...maybe we were a thing...But he said he didn't like me and we shouldn't be together...even though he was lying. But anyways I just left to make everything easier."

"How'd you know he was lying?" My mom asked.

"Because he bites his lip when he's lying." I said remembering how he would bite his lip everytime he'd tell a lie. I knew a lot about him...Which made me sad.

"Well let's not talk about that. What are you naming him?"

"Caleb." I answered.

"Oh that's a cute name." My mom complimented. That night she gave me mostly clothes for Caleb and she bought me a stroller because I forgot to get one...I thanked them for everything and then I went home. It was a nice night so I went home happily.


"Life's a bitch..." I growled holding my stomach. Janey came with me to the hospital because Stella and them were not here yet. My mom and dad were working and I didn't want to bother them.

"Honey everything will be okay. Soon you will have a new baby boy to hold and love." She cooed rubbing my head. The pain was so bad...even when I broke my leg in soccer; it wasn't this bad. This was horrible.

" need to push. The harder you push the faster the pain will be over." I listened and pushed for the life of me.

"Push." She said. I pushed again and finally actually heard the nicest sound ever. The sound of a new born baby crying. I blinked fighting the tired wave that was crashing over me. It won of course and I passed out.

When I woke up Janey was watching Caleb as he laid in his little carriage.

"Come on little man. Your mama wants to see you." She cooed lifting him carefully and passing him to me. He opened his bright blue cobalt eyes. Ones that reminded me of Max's eyes.

"Whoever the father is he must have some gorgeous eyes." She said rubbing his head softly as he stared at me. He was so cute.

"Hi Caleb...I'm your mommy." I cooed lightly touching his cheek. He cuddled into me and I hugged him tightly.

It was something I could call all mine...


AN:Kind of a short rushed chapter.I just wanted to get this out and get to max and Cecilia

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