Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-

Stella's POV:

"What's that?"Caleb asked me as I bit into a strawberry.I always loved them and I always brought them to the games.

"It's a strawberry buddy.You want one?"I asked.

"Yes."He nodded smiling.I gave him a small piece and he ate it whole.

"Mmm."He smiled.I laughed a bit and turned back to watching the game.After about two minutes Caleb began coughing a bit.I looked over and his face was all red and he was scratching his chest.

"You alright,Caleb?"I asked.He scratched at his chest and coughed and I undid the top button of his shirt and noticed all of the blotches on his skin and his face began to swell up.

"I think he's allergic to strawberries."Jackson said sitting up.

"Oh no..."I squeaked.Thank God the buzzer rang for the first half and I ran over to the bench and swerved through all the sweaty soccer guys.

"Stella what are you doing?"My dad asked.

"Is Caleb allergic to strawberries by any chance?"I asked nervously.

"Where is he?"He asked.

"By Jackson."I said.I never seen my dad move so fast in my life.He was gone and over by the stands picking Caleb up in his arms.

"Hey Maxy where you going?"His team asked.

"Where's the nearest hospital?"Max asked his team.

"It's down the street wh-Max where you going?"His coach called as he ran up the stairs.The whole arena was silent as he soon disappeared into the little exit.Me and Jackson followed him as he ran out into the parking lot.We got into Jackson's car as my dad had already pulled out of the parking lot.He raced down the street going above the speed limit and pulled into a random spot and got out grabbing Caleb and running inside.I followed as Jackson parked.

"He's allergic to strawberries..."My dad said as he laid him down on the stretcher.His face and mouth were completely swollen and blotchy and I gasped.I felt horrible.

"Alright.Let's move."The doctor said wheeling Caleb away with many nurses.

"Dad I am so sorry."I apologized as he was gone.My dad ran a hand through his sweaty hair and sighed.

"It's alright...I didn't tell you."He sighed placing a hand on his shoulder.I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"Uh,Max your car is outside and the guy is saying he will get it towed.You want me to park it?"Jackson asked.My dad tossed him the keys and then we went to sit down.

Cecilia's POV:

"I am dead."I said tiredly collapsing on the couch in the lounge where all the models and eveyrone was taking a break.I flicked on the TV to the news and there was a story on Max's game today.

"Max Andrews,left the field today in a mad dash today with his son,Caleb who is two and a half.According to some local fans and team mates,Caleb had an allergic reaction today to eating strawberries at the game.He is currently at the hospital getting treatment as we speak."

"What!?"I yelled.

They continued onto the seven day forcast and I grabbed my cellphone and dialed for a cab.

"Cece where are you going?"Angelina asked.

"I need to go.Now."


AN: I am sorry they are so short but I am so bsy!Like I am doing kinda bad in school.Like I am only getting good marks in my electives and I have science and math this semester and I am getting like sixties in both because I suck so bad!So I am sorry.

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